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God damn virus's

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Ok,so my brother was on my computer and tried to download a crack for the new version of Sibaleus and (I am guessing) downloaded a virus as it was only like 2kb and did fark all when he opened it.

I have installed NOD32 antivirus yesterday,which apparently is one of the better(?) antivirus protections and he gave me a link to another antivirus forum(bahaha) that goes through the steps to make sure you are really well protected.Have also installed Lavasoft Adware that my computerly abled freind also gave me and said that is also one of the better things to have.

Only problem is,I installed both of them,ran 2 full scans which took like an hour each,they found every little bug APART from the one that is popping up every 15 seconds.

It says the virus takes your passwords and stuff so I have been reluctant to use internet banking over the past few days.

This is the first thing that comes up...comes up as soon as you click on internet explorer and if you click on OK,it takes you to a different site every time...which even with my lack of computer knowledge seems a bit dodgy.They are not Microsoft sites or anything like that.

Posted Image

The next thing that pops up from the tray thing every 20 od seconds is this,it also takes you to a different site ever time you click on it.

Anyone got any ideas on WTF is going on here?I've tried deleting the file that he downloaded and it says "in use by another program yada yada yada"

Hmm sucks to be a computer retard.

Ahaha OK,stupid virus thing wont let me upload pics on any hosting site.Meh.

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try restarting in safe mode, (F4 on startup i think) and deleting the file then...get Avg antivirus, i think its still free, it works pretty well

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try restarting in safe mode, (F4 on startup i think) and deleting the file then...get Avg antivirus, i think its still free, it works pretty well

AVG is ditching the free edition in the end of January. So get in quick!

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After you've got it sorted, tell your brother to stop downloading porn and you'll be sweet.

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As i was reading this my computer was installing the new avg free 7.5.

I also use windows defender, it seems to work good for me as i have had no viruses.

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That popup you're getting is the virus/malware you've got, not actually windows telling you you're infected, clicking okay won't help you as you need to kill the infection. Virus scanners won't help you and probably not spybot or AVG Anti-spyware either. You'll need to find the specific fix for the infection you've got, there's a bunch of forums out there to trawl through (eg http://archives.devshed.com/forums/computer-virus-128/) but best bet is to search on the specific infection you've got.

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Good news is, the infection is probably not the kind that ruins files and infects all your apps but more likely the annoying infection that plagues internet explorer and keeps popping up warnings with links to anti-virus software.

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Everyone else has helped with the virus, so I'll try to help with the file that you can't delete.

Google and get a copy of MoveOnBoot. Its free and allows you to move, copy, delete files before Win can lock them. I had a similar experience with an .avi file and this little app sorted it all for me.

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I had this exact same problem when I tried to download the new Windows Live Messenger, I ignored it for a week or so then I did all my spyware and virus scans (Spybot, AVG, Ad-Aware and Norton)All I can say is that Norton Antivirus was the best for this virus as it got rid of it straight away. I got caught out at first when one of those popups came up and redirected me to a fake Microsoft page, that said download this anivirus program and it'l get rid of it. Im not that stupid that I just downloaded that straight away I looked around the page and it looked genuine, so I downloaded it then scaned it with Norton and guess what... It was a virus. Just saying don't get caught in that loop. Good luck with getting rid of it, they can be a bugger.

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Another way..

You need to remove your hard drive and take it to a mate who has good anti-virus sofware running. Plug your drive in as a slave and virus-check it from your mate's machine. It should detect it and (hopefully)eliminate it. I find Norton to very good at this.

Many of these viruses will resist and even prevent you trying to install virus software after they are resident so it is best, if you want to prevent a complete reformat, to use another computer where the virus software is well installed, to get rid of your problem.

I have used this method for many years to get rid of viruses in customers machines with almost 100% success. Some viruses cannot be completely removed by virus software, but, once your software has identified the particular virus you have, you will be able to download a step-by-step instruction from one of the various virus sites on how to remove the residual bits by editing the registry etc.

There will be other methods but this is the way I do it.

good luck


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Better yet, learn not to get infected in the first place and just buy the software instead of stealing it

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Wah,I'm sure no-one else has stolen shiz from the internet...

Fixed the problem with the doodacky that Rog recomended.Cheers.

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