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About j.ingledew

  • Rank
    2nd Gear
  • Birthday 04/14/1993

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  • Car
    525i E39
  • Car 2
    318ti M Sport E39
  • Car 3
    Audi A4 Wagon

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  1. j.ingledew

    vtech tool box

    I feel the weight of Europe attacking me Ahhh!
  2. j.ingledew

    vtech tool box

    Gen 1 Rs or an E30. I know which I would have.
  3. j.ingledew

    vtech tool box

    I have had a few Subarus and would take another over a BMW.
  4. It is doing the same stuff as yours did Ryan
  5. The car is due for a service and no I have the overwhelming suspicion it is the sparkplugs because I was sitting in a friends one and it did the same thing and he has a spark plug that had popped out. It is like it is missing badly.
  6. No it seems to last but when I went for a little drive about 2 hours after posting it the problem was gone?
  7. And how have your posts been helpful at all. Its obvious if I wanted to blow all my money I would take it to a dealership. Your posts have been entirely redundant, take it to someone how knows? I am just asking for advice from people who I assume may know.
  8. Does being a douche come with it too? Or are you like that on your own? If you're going to take a dig at me. At least make it a good one yeah?
  9. Moneys isn't something I have very much of atm lol. The 318ti just decided it doesn't like it's radiator and e39 doing this, baaad 24 hours
  10. Put this into never worked on a BMW have no idea where anything is speak
  11. What handbook lol. The guy I bought it off hadn't taken a wheel off the car in the two years he owned it and it have rice as chrome lights.
  12. Who can do that? Any where recomended?
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