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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/10/23 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    After many years away, I'm back in the bimmer fold picking up a 2014 F15 X5 M50d today. Some of you will possibly remember me from the many years I was an active member, mod and admin on this forum until career, wife, kids and a lack of a bimmer in the drive meant I stepped away. For those who don't remember my last BMW was a supercharged 1989 e30 325i tech-II 4-door. I'll rustle up some pics.. Since then I've had a handful of company cars and then an R36 Passat (4 sale!) before towing and family needs pushed me into an SUV and ultimately the M50d. Who else has one of these? How has your ownership been? I have some cosmetic mods plus an upgrade to OEM-look Android Auto planned for the M50d but that's all at this stage. It's good to be back....
  2. 1 point
    So a little bit of a change in plans based on some tooling around with the volt meter in the car. The radio controls circuit is fed 5V from the cruise control side and as mentioned is already a resistance ladder style ... so that makes it perfect out of the box for directly interfacing with the Arduino !! Score Got some help from a friendly person on an electronics forum (https://www.electro-tech-online.com/threads/simple-circuit-reverse-engineering-steering-wheel-radio-controls.165060/) and can now measure all of the button presses on the Arduino with some basic code. Will be parking my code here if anybody is interested: https://github.com/david-morton/E46-SteeringWheel-Controls/tree/main This is the setup as it stands: Next up will be: Add more code to actually detect the respective button presses Wire in the head unit to this PoC setup Test the internet sourced codes over the wire and see if the head unit does stuff (thanks @Karter16) Work out how I can get everything done with 5 cables total into the wheel via the clock spring taking into account what the cruise control side will need. May try and stash a super small micro controller within the wheel itself ... not sure yet This is the PoC circuit as it stands:
  3. 1 point
    Today I did this ... just have not been able to find where the dang sunroof was leaking, pretty sure I've located it now though !! Should have it siliconed up and back on the road in no time 👍 ...
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