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Posts posted by oscar90

  1. E30 325i

    Unsure about torque reccomendation for doing up the 6 bolts holding the axles to the diff/diffoutput shafts, have read: 42-46 ft-lbs, is this the right torque or am I reading about the wrong thing?

    Passengers side came out in the middle of main south road, was lucky the exhaust caught it, and drivers was loose so wanna avoid this sh*t again! cutting corners never pays off.

  2. Sick of spending on the E30(every E30 owner knows the feeling im sure!),

    Sooooo I wanna dolly the E39 up in the not so distant future, so I'm looking at these in a staggered F19x8.5 R19x9.5's, or 18's if 19's make a noticably uncomfortable ride.. the E39 is the daily/road trip luxobarge


    Do you have a pic of these fitted Jono, lowered or not lowered either will do?

    What would I be looking at for the staggered set w/o tyres? will head into the CHCH branch sometime soon hopefully



  3. Don't waste your time with a GSR.. and when people go on about 5k paint job's etc it doesnt matter a sh*t, doesnt up the price 5k instantly..maybe 1k if its good, or ohh its 1g worth of bucket seats... good on it..theyre second hand now so scrap that figure

    alarm bells start ringing at "mean wastegate"/external probably has a screamer and is venting to atmo...so your gonna have to plumb it back or find a relaxed wof officer 'cause end of the day they're not gonna cert a exhaust leak in your engine bay..which leads to other questions since you have to give it a good squirt to get it venting, whats the clutch like..no doubt had afew hard launches on it, list goes on and on...

    I'm 19... I have mates who went down this path/still doing it GTS-t's, A31's, GSR's, STi's, EVO's GT4's, GTi-R's..they all fell in trouble with the law, drive around with no insurance because they simply cant afford it and constantly have sh*t going wrong cause some dipshit has done rangimods to anything with a turbro on it nowadays...

    Honestly getting a GSR is like settling for seconds unless your mechanically minded and wanna f**k around with them, Evo 3 Turbo, injectors, AFM and chipped single board ecu or whatever they do to them all to get them hooning a bit...afew thousand more that you'd spend on the above items, plus labour and time, mantainence and you could have the real deal which are way better..then it'd justidy owning it I suppose...still got heaps of hassles if its been neglected, insurance, petrol

    Better of with anything BMW/Euro/nana spec jap that doesnt attract cops or theives as much IMO

    If u have money to burn and burn on go for it..otherwise i'd wait a while longer and stick with ya bimmer

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