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Posts posted by oscar90

  1. Put it in your Mum or Dads name and Insure through your parents with one of them as the main driver and you as a "named/listed driver", it's how 99% of my mates and I insured our cars when we were at high school, none ever had a problem claiming etc, aslong as its not 70mm off the ground with a huge exhaust and matt black the insurance company wont have an issue as it would be quite possible your parents drive it.

  2. Spotted on Riccarton Road, Chch today at about 5pm. An E34 with what appeared to be the front of an 8 series tacked on to it!!!!

    Weird. Unfortunately it passed me before I could get a plate number.

    I have seen him parked at a motel on bealey ave afew times, have always looked twice, glad im not crazy! haha

  3. Pot calling the kettle black????

    Dunno if that's directed at me or not lol, Can't think of when i've done it? meh maybe wrong, certainly wouldn't be a first :rolleyes: !, was just agreeing with the OP, It's there, some people are just plain rude about it which is what annoys most.

    Trademe is a love hate thing, some love some hate

  4. Im 19...and it's not just you older guys..that Nissan Laurel...It's a heap of, no doubt thrashed, sh*t...these drift fan boys will put a 20det and half cage in anything, especially these automatic diesel taxis, and think it's a 500hp drift weapon!, wank-as.

    gay as camo aswell ... be better of satin black

    belongs in the fail thread

    Second rant of the day in one of these trademe threads lol, might be time for bed

  5. Skylines have to be the shittest, over priced cars on trade me. Except for genuine GTR's.

    GTR's are overpriced aswell! afew years ago a family friend imported one for $8k for parts. Some places bring them over try to sell them for $15-20k with a couple of bolt-ons with no reg or wof. and now a Caryard down here have one for 24k and it would have cost them $10k if they're lucky worst case $13K...

    Better of buying an automatic GTS in ok condition and building a 30DET with a 25T box for it if you want something reliable and well priced, everything else is thrashed or overprived nissan wise lol

    end rant :rolleyes: lol

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