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Everything posted by oscar90

  1. Bling effect haha i might end up getting one just for "wank effect" will try and find a better one first though
  2. learn something new everyday! thanks
  3. As stated in the title, im looking into a Strutbrace for my E36 im slowly doing up, had a quick search on here and didnt get much. someone must be in the know! EDIT: i found these but don't know if 325i would be the same for a 320i http://www.trademe.co.nz/Trade-Me-Motors/C...n-147587396.htm Cheers HT
  4. Sorry to hear man, its just pure jelousy most of the time when these things happen i reckon!
  5. Do you guys do packages and finance??
  6. Welcome Nice BMW!, i reckon you should get rid of the light wipers....they look weird/out of place IMO
  7. thats so cool! i want one
  8. hi everyone!, just wondering if anyones replaced the LEDs in there spoilers(E36 if it makes any difference), if its easy? hard? or even possible? haha cheers!
  9. yeah im glad i didnt give in and go auto aye...i was so close!
  10. Hi all! New member from Christchurch, just brought a 92 E36 manual 320i http://i94.photobucket.com/albums/l96/ht90...0i/SS850430.jpg http://i94.photobucket.com/albums/l96/ht90...0i/SS850426.jpg http://i94.photobucket.com/albums/l96/ht90...0i/SS850427.jpg http://i94.photobucket.com/albums/l96/ht90...0i/SS850424.jpg Needs a good clean! Cheers, Andrew
  11. oscar90

    18" Breyton Rims

    Hi, how much are you wanting? and what part of the country are you located? cheers! Andrew
  12. Andrews are cool just say the name and you know its cool :finger: jokes
  13. hi all just signed up,names Andrew. Me and the old man are looking at doing something similar in the near future, definitly using a e30 320i or 325i shell if we end up doing the conversion. i don't know much about bmw engines etc, just that bmw's are mint haha, so i joined to hopefully learn a lil incase the old man decides he'll do it, also would anybody be able to direct me to a website that gives out power figures and engine weights, whole car weights etc, any help at all would be appreciated cheers :mosh:
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