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Everything posted by Antallica

  1. .... and manual locking working The worst bit was removing and replacing the door handle through the frame .... oh and the actuator
  2. Been looking at that website I linked all weekend, turns out some pics wern't loading... now I know how to take off the door handle covering. Should be able to open the door manually tonight w00t
  3. Can it be done without being able to open the door?
  4. So yeah, I'm not sure what to do from this point Youtube showing it not working
  5. Might as well pull the hammer out and get familiar with the door innards on the weekend Will let ya know mate.
  6. Hey guys, Haven't used my rear doors in weeks but just noticed tonight that my LH Rear passenger door is stuck in locked position. When I try to unlock it manually I can hear the mechanism inside working but it won't 'clunk' upwards, just goes back down. Any ideas?? .... on a side note my LH Front Passenger door will control the central locking when closed but will not do it when open anymore I can't figure that one out either. Instructions on how to work with E36 door locking system
  7. Nice one bro, I'll be scoping out for you.
  8. And done! Thanks for your participation, my friend will be pleased
  9. Need 5 people to rate a piece of art a friend created. First 5 replies gets PM with link (it's not dodgy) Ants.
  10. ...... and it's on trademe
  11. So who wants to buy my kidney? It's hot
  12. A scary proposition, I might try that tonight. *bites fingers*
  13. Must be about a year old. The bundled drivers seem a bit touch and go but it worked sweet as on my PC.
  14. You know what, after watching that I'm over it already. I'll take the free route thanks Orewa rocks anyway.
  15. Hey dudes, My LCD up for sale, have retail box and all the stuff for it. Wanting a quick sale! Review SOLD
  16. Is there any easy way to tell if I already have the right gear?
  17. Wow that's awesome Ray, I was humbled by your last premises I hope to visit this one one day
  18. Antallica


    BTW can anyone show pics on how to remove steering wheel on E36? I had to rebulb my instrument cluster the hard way
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