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Posts posted by Katalyst

  1. pretty sure I just saw a speed camera in the back of a Hyundai Sonata out back roads of Papakura, not your typical speedcamera vehicle.

    i heard on the radio, that the coppas hve hired a range of vechiles for the summer, including trade vechcles and the such and even an ice cream truck!! weather its a scare tactic or not shuld be an interesting summer on the roads!!

  2. dont know how to fix it, but the gf's 320 does the samething, after i put the new exhaust on, it dosnt do it as much but everynow and again it does - is really annoying

    it could bethe leads, mine did it aswell then i got new plugs and bigger leads and it seemed to solve, hvnt testd hers yet but i think thts wot it mite be???

  3. how much will the 4.1 effect top end?? will it sit nice at say 120 or would it be screamin its tits off?!

    manual would be the easiest solution, but she dosnt wana cos she sits in traffic mornin and night, but if i just do she aint got much choice, and then im sure it will be abit more fun!

    wot sorta price for a manual conversion??

    thanks for the help

  4. Hi all, new 2 bimmersport but have ben listenin in for awhile now, great site and has be very helpful and informative!!

    now for my problem, my girlfriends 320 is an auto, and im trying to waken it up abit, looking at either changing the diff to either a 3.9 or 4.1, and was wondering if u could change to the 5 speed auto box??

    have put in a new exhaust and in the process of making a new cold air box, has helped abit but wana help it some more!!

    any help would be much appreciated


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