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Posts posted by Katalyst

  1. Who's got 6"s in there without cutting/destroying things?

    have got 6 1/4s in, had to cut out the kickpanel plastic speaker grill, and to retain the bonet release cut into the glovebox to allow to open properly - could avoid by having a rip cord style bonet release (way less effort than chopping up glovebox) or a more slim speaker

    have infinty reference's in, which i belive are on the bigger side

    could take some pics if u like?

  2. Hydrofoils is the next cool thing (aye Katalyst?) My mate who gave me the above links has built a hydrofoil surfboard and a 2m RC hydrofoil Cat. - way cool.

    This would be one awesome charter operation - f**k the ex-cup boats "experience" - get one of these and scare the hell out of your paying passengers. I'd drop a few hundy to go out for a few hours and wakeboard behind one of these.

    yeah Hydrofoils are kool - the little moths are quite a cool class

    would defnitly scare the pants of ppl - oh 2 have a mil or 2 to bring one down here!

  3. have heard rumors through work that theres guna be some major changes in the class, time will tell i guess!!

    would be kool to something like an orma 60 burning up the gulf thou!!

    have some video somewhere of a dude caining it on a single ski behind an orma somewhere, il try and dig it up

    boss is currently in Velencia, watchin the LV, hes going out on a 142ftr (oh to be the boss - well sorta) with the owner trying our new s/y airbatten system so shuld be good! also the superyacht cup later this week aswell

  4. yea bro, thts it

    knocked a wire off the the solinoid and now it wont have a bar of it!

    was turning over and starting before, and then just idling badly

    and now nothing, could be the starter just seems weird, didnt show any sign of dying before tht

    ohwell toe it to the mechanics 2moro ive had enuf its startin to mess with my head!!!!

  5. so now feeling completley demoralised!!!!

    fixed all that i thought that was wrong, put everything back together.....

    turned the key and....NOTHING!!! :(

    checked the starter motor connections, battery voltage and there fine, even

    tried hooking the battery straight to the starter and still nothing

    so any ideas???

    being in the place tht they are , how hard r they to take out???

  6. alrite boys and girls, cant get the bemma goin!!

    hve found a broken breather hose and in the process of trying to rangi up a solution til i can get a new 1!!!!

    also from the sounds of things there is another air leak somewhere.....

    shes havin trouble idling and also sounds like its missing abit at bout 4000rpm and then when it settles down all of a sudden drops out and dies!!!

    was wondering if theres any west auckland guys or gals with a pre facelift parts car tht i could borrow some parts off to get her back on the road, and get me off to work in the morning

    any help would be much appreciated


    Dan :)

  7. currently foreman for small composite company making carbon sailbattens for most of the worlds racing boats and competitive/high end superyacts, also other spars and tubing to fill on the gaps (which arnt to many at the mo!!!!!!!!!)

    all out of the west auckland bush!!

    very partitail to favours if the bmw part is right!! hehehe

    spend weekends moonlighting as builder come mechanic come boosehead!!

  8. bro pick a bolt near your amp, and make sure its part of the main body, sratch away all the paint (most important part) arond the bolt area, then bolt it with lug terminal betwenn car body and wotever the bolt holds to the car, and bolt up really tight

    and shuld be done

    also if u have a soldering iron tin the ends of your wires makes them better, also a good size cable helps aswell

  9. yeah it has turned to sh*t, steve the old owner was alot better, much nicer to deal with and quite helpful

    was there not to long ago for one of there sales - prety crap really quite low end!! also dropped some of the high end better brand stuff, which was there loss as i was guna spend some good dosh there

    if u want good advice and help paul moneys off diminion rd is good, 1 dude there moonlights as an installer but other than tht nothin in tht regard

    alot of the places are feelin the pinch from trademe and parallel importers, and also abit of a down turn in car audio at the moment aswell

    next time shout out im sure theres a few ppl on here who r willing to help out

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