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Everything posted by aw-krazy

  1. Yup it slots in the back of the head unit, the cable is originally for older Iphones/Ipods but it could be easily found online on TM or Ebay etc.. It will include the Iphone/Ipod cable and original wiring loom
  2. Okay $45 for members $50 for non members
  3. Geddes automotive Onehunga, great man with a great price and always does flawless work
  4. Selling My Pioneer Head Unit out of my e34 $55 for BS members $60 for non members Comes with standard wiring loom
  5. aw-krazy

    E30 Eyelids

    Hey do you know if these would fit a facelift e34?
  6. Any e34 plate fillers around? been searching for ages!
  7. aw-krazy

    e34 520i

    http://www.sella.co.nz/motoring/cars/bmw/h850sm/ 4k ONO
  8. aw-krazy

    1997 318is $1995

    Still for sale? and where abouts is viewing?
  9. For sale: My HTC tattoo phone. Looking for $80 just for bimmersport members. Google for specs, too tired to write it all out
  10. Okay how much would you be looking for, for the pair?
  11. I can ship to you for $8.00 email me on [email protected] or leave your cell
  12. Need a new set of bushes for the upper control arm, or 2 new arms with bushes. Either way needs replacing. Anyone have a pair of these or know where to get them? trying to find 750il or e34 m5 bushes
  13. The little cap that sits on top? or a whole one
  14. As i was pulling out my injectors on my way to cleaning them i dropped on of the six and ended up breaking the green cap that sits on top of the injector. Just wondering if anyone has a dead injector or a cap available? if it comes to it i will even buy a working one. Thanks!
  15. My friends after an e30 diff as his one is clunking, any ideas? or any for sale, thanks!
  16. Looking for a new thermostat housing for an M50 type e34. Preferably metal
  17. Looking for a thermostat housing for an M50 e34, metal type hopefully
  18. Just pulled off thermostat housing for an M50 engine and thermostat is still inside and doesnt seem to want to come out, any help
  19. aw-krazy

    Scrapping E34

    rear right ashtray? price please and also in need of a window regulator for rear left, can i have a price on both of them, cheers
  20. http://www.ebay.com/itm/140807282265?ssPag...#ht_3061wt_1020 bought off ebay to find out i didnt even need it, BRAND NEW Selling for $20
  21. Oh no, please not the TT, get a 3.2 Straight six Be a man! do the right thing "Buy an M3"
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