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Posts posted by Arma

  1. What Andy said^ - many of the Sennheisers are very good. I'm a bit of an audiophile so I'm realllly picky with headphones, earphones etc. I've not tried Bose earphones before but I've owned their around-ear noise cancelling headphones (QC2) which were excellent. I'd say stick to Sennheiser or Bose with that budget, might need to stretch it slightly as Andy mentioned.

  2. Noticed this yesterday when looking under the bonnet. This frame thing seems to be cracking/brittle, which is holding that hose/pipe up. See photos. Haven't got much of a clue why it is like that, nor what the hose/pipe is, so got a few questions that maybe someone here can shed some light on.

    Is this a common issue?
    Which specific hose/pipe is that, that is being held up by that cracking frame?
    Is this dangerous?
    What would be the good way to fix this?
    Is the hose going to collapse and blow something up if the frame thing completely cracks open? Or does it have under support under the frame? (it seems pretty brittle atm)

    Need to know whether it's safe to continue driving it like that. If it does need immediate fixing - is it a wallet breaking job?

    Any info appreciated, cheers! :-)


  3. I had a tmrocker cover gasket leak end up with most of the oil dripping off the box. Wipe it clean and when it comes back see what colour or smell it is

    Sent from my GT-I8160L using Tapatalk 2

    Ah. I have had a minor rocker cover gasket leak for a while now - perhaps that's where it's coming from.

  4. Got what seems to be a oil leak around the pan/gasket area of the gearbox. Guessing it is the transmission oil because of this. Is this a common issue on e39's?

    I suppose I should take it in to get fixed at some point. Have not noticed any change in behaviour or feel of the transmission while driving though. And there's no easy way to check the trans oil level either it seems!

    Is this a big job? Or can it be done within a day? Quite busy lately so can't be without the car for very long.

    This is for the 530i.

    Any info is appreciated. :)

  5. The cover part on the lower left (passenger side), under the car next to the under tray. Looks like this:


    My one somehow cracked and is just hanging loose now, would like to replace it. Was wondering if anyone has a used one I could buy? Didn't think it's crucial I buy a brand new one of these. This is for the 530i msport.

    Was wondering, is this specific bracket the only one that would fit my car because it's an msport? Or would other e39 ones fit fine as well?

    Anyway, let me know if anyone has one lying around! Better to it as soon as I can - not sure how bad it is to have it exposed.


  6. Thanks for all the replies guys, lots of detail and very helpful :-). I'll listen to the various advice given and have a look at some places for rent in those areas. I can increase my budget a bit if needed be, but would prefer the 350-500 range. Max i'd go for 600-650, but it's pushing it!

    Can I ask who are you joining?

    I will be joining Xero.

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