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Killa B

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Posts posted by Killa B

  1. Dude dont go too far with the bedroom goss we dont want the youngsters of the group getting ideas of experimenting now

    But there's so much to tell! and you know everyone wants to hear bout it, besides you can't be a porn* if you keep it to yourself.

  2. if its "marked" --- thats so gay, and childish.. carry a air gun with you so when they wanna be little boys about you laughing at them.

    Yea, you obviously know all about childish. Pussy's pull wepons in a scrap! as for the BBK i dunno, marking your car? dont think so bud sorry but like all gangs they don't want a bad rep for f**king with a no-one, especialy just for laufin at them. If you f**ked with their sh*t or bad mouthed them maybee.

  3. *sic Posted on Nov 1 2003, 04:14 PM

    hell no!!

    man that comprimises so much sh*t!! never use cut springs ffs!!

    i aint play'n yo

    I never asked you to play!

    Yea it fuks sh*t up, and thats why i took them out after i brought it and put in lowered springs ( by jamex ) and as you can see it aint all that fukn low in the back, it's about 20mm lower than standard.

  4. DON'T BUY JAMEX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    they fuk around more than anyone i've ever had to deal with, and talk a hole lot of sh*t at the same time, i had MSBONDS car supposedly dropped on jamex springs, the front was ok that was about an inch lower than standard but the back was about an inch higher than standard, good recipe for anger! all they could say was " they'll settle in a couple of weeks, after about a month of driving around lookin like a dick i took them back and got some king springs that wern't much better.

    Go to, i think it's wairau alignment, if you live on the shore, they used to reset standard springs to give you the ride hight you wan't for a fraction of the cost of new ones. It's done properly too, the springs are tested and they give a warrenty n sh*t. I'll find out the name of the place for ya if ya wan't.

  5. Yea dude, Sic is ded rite.

    Ollie, i've never owned or used or knowen anyone that has used a ported box, does that say nething????

    You already got the sub ? if it's new it should have included in the box, specifications on sizes ect for what you want to use it for, that will make your job a hell of a lot easier.

    a few pple have put a few ideas to keep in mind on " appearance and audio" in homy's plan ahead install thing, have a look.

    If you need any help PM me, i'm always happy to help out a brotha, sounds like sic is prty on to it too, he may have some ideas 4 ya aswell.

  6. Dude i'm lovin the look of your front bar, it looks similar to one of the racing dynaimics products. looks sweet anywayz, i really havn't decided on anything yet, just after ideas on prices and sh*t, and just seeing if there's any of anything kickin around that pple aint using that they are keen to flick off.

  7. I need, a m3 front bar with the big air dam in the centre, wing mirrors, side skirts, and rear bar. If anyone has any or hears of some goin cheep. I don't need the whole lot right away or in one lot, so if theres a wreck with salvage potential, LET ME NO !

  8. $550 each sounds pretty resonable, it'l be cheeper if you pull them out yourselfs. Im a marine trimmer / upholsterer, No i have no interest of doin them sorry guys, you couldn't pay me enuf. they are bastards to redo, they probably need to be stripped and filled before they can be recovered and they'll never look as gd as a new one.

    Try find some importer / second hand parts dealer that may know of some after market dash boards, it;l be a damn sight cheeper that way!

  9. sh*t dude have i got some hints that you wanted last week !!!

    1. cordless drill battery. hold your positive speaker wire on the pos terminal and touch neg to neg and the speaker will crackel (without doin any damage). this tels you which speaker goes to what wire.

    3. the e36's have a aerial in the window which is power asisted (thoes are ya left over wires) fuk knowes which goes where, there all the same colour from memory too.

    3. That aerial plug is euro and new. go to any auto leky and they'l have an adaptor for about $5.00.

    4. make sure ya earth for ya amp is as close as pos to the amp, and the fuse is close as pos to the batt (running the right way ) use BIG wires and good terminals and conections, apparently any serges can fuk ya amp real gd ! the e36's seem to chew thru amps, mine does anywayz, ive just today blowen my 2nd in two weeks!!! thank fuk for warentys.

    *PS don't buy a Lanzar amp, they can't handle the pace! opinion of a leky.

    5. fencing wire. makes life alot easier pullin wires under carpet.

  10. This is my e36 a while ago now, i've done a bit of work to her since but there's still alot more to come, including a kit, mirrors and sacked out on some 18's, i have alot of plans as i have had with all my cars, but this one is gona get finished before i get bored !

    [picture removed]

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