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Everything posted by Matthew

  1. Hey just wanted to know who i saw driven the bmw e36 two door silver in mt welligton not so long ago. Nice clean e36 Cheers
  2. Matthew

    New Whip

    Looks mean! mean deal on the wheels i have to say Matt
  3. didnt go threw with the trade haha
  4. hey yeah what about an e30 with manual conversion. Real looking into doing one. cheers
  5. Matthew

    Post pictures

    i like you 2 e36 alot spesh the last one, looks dope. im selling ym e30 to move onto a e36 hopfuly 4 door tho. i like you one alot tho, great job
  6. Get the plastic bumpers painted same as the car and lower it alot and that would be such a mean ride, i like that color of th car would look mean with black tints for sure, but then that interior looks cool. Im afta a white e36 any one got any in mind
  7. all i can say is http://www.bimmersport.co.nz/forums/index....showtopic=13347 and http://www.bimmersport.co.nz/forums/index....showtopic=13478 check them out alot of help i guess
  8. Matthew


    what about shiping to auckland. does any one know how muh it would cost to get painted
  9. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=130788987 my car is now on trademe had two fone calls which is mean as i started of with a realy high price haha
  10. Matthew

    The Trademe modder

    i like that kit alot clean shaped. nyone know were to get my hands on one. can't say i like those tail light at all nor those wheels but beside that i kinda like it oh and with out that werd bmw sport haha looks um "riced" or how ever you guys say it haha.
  11. Matthew


    hey just wondering how dark you can go on the rear window is it still 35% or cna u go 20% cheers
  12. real so evn tho its 4clyl it wont make a difrence in petrol, yeah the 190e is prity dam striaght in and out beside the alloys which i sure some fool would lve to buy as they are brand new,i duno well i think i would get more money than i would get for my e30....
  13. does any one know the ground clearnce on a 190e or know were i could find out, i have been looking all over oogle. cheers
  14. Matthew

    bmw family

    oh thanks bro, going to be sad see her go tho, but oh well il move on. cheers
  15. Matthew

    bmw family

    thought i would add some pictures of myn to the family collection
  16. oh real thanks for that, well the swap is for an auto but i will not be keeping for longer than two months then after hopfuly get manual e36
  17. haha yeah i do, but thats me and my brothers and there would be no way i could sell that, he wouldnt let me.
  18. i know going to suck but before i know it il hopfuly be in an e36 318i which i would be happy with, dont want to keep the DINNER DISH 190E for that long haha.
  19. yeah wish i could do that just do that but i have like no money to do such a thing, its etha sell it or trade it and i want to get the most money i can out of ether way so yeah. going to be a missed car when its gone. spesh that the body kit mtech2 and its low low ks
  20. haha i hate the DINNER plates probly more than any one haha. i was thinking of change them to the AMG wheels they had on then. yeha i perfer my e30 as well but its not worth as much on the market as one of them.
  21. yeah your right, but as you guys say my car would be worth from 4 - 4.5 thousand this guy has his for sale and has had offers for 5-6 thousand. il post some pictures up for you. hope i can still be apart of this forum once i trade haha. and theres one of mine haha
  22. my idea with the 190e was fix a few things do it and make it stand out from the others with alot of mates rate stuff and make it for th younger market as 190e's are at the moment and maby get 6-7 grand for it sell it. and then maby look for an white e36 or evn e46 cen some on trademe for 12 - 14 thousand. i would show you guys the 190e but im not to sure what you would have to say about it
  23. to be honest i wouldnt know haha, but i got way more out when i drove my c200. i never fill my e30 right up. it usualy 20 to 50 bucks when i do haha
  24. yeah i dont realy push my car when the lights go green i just take of at a good pas haha
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