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Posts posted by Braeden320

  1. Yeah legs squashed a little, bruising on the insides of my knees. I dont think id be walking if it was another millimetre more, insurance all paid out, all mods were listed and they were great to deal with. Thank god.

    Few people here should read this, look at the pictures, read it again and then realise why people like Glenn always suggest you do things by the book.

  2. Smith and Smith got me a genuine ford screen from the UK when I had my ST220, They had no choice as it was heated so had to be the real deal.8 weeks later however...One of the problem's with owning a car where theres less than 20 in the country and shares very few parts with the lesser models

    Can't see it being a problem

  3. Let's put the seniors in jail and the criminals in a nursing home. This way the seniors would have access to showers, hobbies and walks. They'd receive unlimited free prescriptions, dental and medical treatment, wheel chairs etc and they'd receive money instead of paying it out. They would have constant video monitoring, so they could be helped instantly, if they fell, or needed assistance.

    Bedding would be washed twice a week, and all clothing would be ironed and returned to them. A guard would check on them every 20 minutes and bring their meals and snacks to their cell.

    They would have family visits in a suite built for that purpose. They would have access to a library, weight room, spiritual counseling, pool and education.

    Simple clothing, shoes, slippers, PJ's and legal aid would be free, on request. Private, secure! rooms for all, with an exercise outdoor yard, with gardens. Each senior could have a PC a TV radio and daily phone calls.

    There would be a board of directors to hear complaints, and the guards would have a code of conduct that would be strictly adhered to.

    The "criminals" would get cold food, be left all alone and unsupervised. Lights off at 8pm, and showers once a week. Live in a tiny room and pay $900.00 per month and have no hope of ever getting out.

    Justice for all we say.


    The real reason that we can't have the Ten Commandments posted in a courthouse or Parliament, is this -

    You cannot post 'Thou Shalt Not Steal', and 'Thou Shall Not Lie' in a building full of lawyers, judges and politicians.... It creates a hostile work environment.

  4. Sorry for your loss, My old man was hit by a car and almost killed in 01, The lady blamed sun strike. Got 6 months loss of license and that was it, not even remorseful.

    I was just out mowing my lawns and a road cyclist went past with both hands off the bars talking on her cellphone.

    Blame on both sides IMO.

  5. I'd say dealers may WELL ask over- inflated prices for a 6 speed e39, but I dunno, maybe they are worth 16k ish?

    'Worth' is a subjective term anyhow, so no one here is right or wrong. They are a car which is still depreciating.

    They tend to be kitted up in 'S5' guise, or the ones you see in auck do.


    I think they are a great car, but unless you get the right colour/option combo then to me they are a sub $20,000 car even in manual.

    Also after driving a few I was quite happy with them as an auto - just seemed to me that they were that type of car, Good open road cruiser thats nice to ride in and has plenty of go. Didn't really think they would be leaps and bounds better with a 6 speed manual over the auto. That said I've never driven a 6 speed E39, But im sure plenty round here haven't either.

    My 0.02cents

  6. Heino its probably better to get prices for single items and post them up and then from there everyone can pick what they want then see if you can get a better price as group buy.

    People dont wanna put there name down for something they could get cheaper right?

    Just my 2cents.

    Careful, That would be useing common sense

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