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Posts posted by _BRS_

  1. Preparing my flame suit as we speak :ph34r:

    Thats what i like to hear! Better be a colour we discussed yesterday!

    Nah mate, One of us needed to have the balls to do what ever your gonna do. Just make sure the colour contrasts well with your car colour at it will look amazing.


  2. ^ Pretty sure he is still selling it atm Graham, get amongst it. Least it would go to a decent owner ;)

    +1! get onto it can come with the 16s or basketweaves as far as im aware.

    PS...The m20b25 SC beast up for sale if you want another touring?

  3. Just got a new shifter for my e30 and I need to replace the bushings as the whole thing is pretty sloppy.

    Can anyone suggest a place I can pick them up so I can do it over the weekend? (or am I going to have to order from overseas)

    Where are you located?

    Best bet is to PM SIR3E0 and he should be able to help you out, i would recommend the shortshifter kit and brass bushing makes a hell of a difference.

  4. The front seats are the same, the rear seats are a two person bucket type seat. I will get a photo in the morning and post it for all to see.

    the fronts are a lil different they have the stitching going horizontal in panels compared to the vertical on the recaros and im pretty sure the actual seat sits lower as there is less cushioning on the seat area... may need to be corrected if im wrong tho.
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