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Posts posted by Dnz

  1. DNZ were you around in the time of the 'blue investment plates' ??

    Marvelous marketing scheme... and so many people suckered into it.

    An investment that has no tangible assets behind it, with only a perceived second hand market will usually fail.

    The point is that if you have an idea and want it, get it before someone else does.

    I dont even see what there is worth arguing about, you either want 50 bucks off or you dont. Easy as that. I wasnt even asking if 'youd like to get one because you have to'. :banghead: Im just trying to do people a favour here.

  2. 19's will mean potholes will own you. Especially with the one developing constantly on the motorway onramp (which got filled in like a week ago after having the diameter of like half a meter, and being like 30cm deep... Another one developign at symonds street intersection.. making good progress.. :lol:

  3. Check radiator neck for cracks. Very common. You're leaking somewhere. Try and switch on aircon (warm) and see if it blows out coolant/sweet smelling air. Also the carpet may be wet. if thats the case, its heater core.

    Either way, get it fixed fast, you dont wanna replace headgasket anytime soon.

  4. A tax on people who don't drive jap imports.

    A tax on people who wish to have something which is an unecessary luxury option which happens to allow a format which wont fit in cars from a certain region.

    I dont see whats wrong with it. Its purely cosmetic, and the money goes to a relevant cause, rather than anti smoking campaigns and expensive newsreaders.

    Its the best use of a targetted tax.

  5. http://www.landtransport.govt.nz/fascinati...reg-plates.html

    "Personalised plates

    Personalised registration plates were introduced in 1988.

    A personalised plate can have up to six numbers or letters (other than those reserved for standard issue, single plates, trade or diplomatic plates).

    Some personalised plates have blue or red characters on a white background.

    The sale and marketing of personalised registration plates is contracted to Personalised Plates Limited."

    So i guess the answer is no... As only plates from Personalised playes are actual reg plates...?

    Can plates from the standard series be reserved as personalised plates?

    Yes, the request needs to be made to Personalised Plates Limited.

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