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About petone

  • Rank
    4th Gear
  • Birthday 12/31/1909

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  1. Chris, have you considered powder coating them? Costs around $50 per wheel from memory ($25 for stripping then $25 for powder coating) Only problem is sometimes the finish isn't so flash and not sure what the range of colours is like. Otherwise if your keen to DIY I'd really recommend a 2 pak clear coat, you want something pretty tough. Wheels get pretty beaten up. Depending on how far back you take the original paint you'll want a proper etching primer. Probably should get them media blasted, sanding between those weave will be a c**t. 5 spoke wheels were bad enough to sand. Polishing shouldn't be too bad as you said they've all ready been polished, just depends how badly oxidised they are. Good luck though, wheel refurbing is a mission.
  2. definatly 3 piece, will look sweeeet when done. have fun polishing the lips though. I've still got my polishing wheels and soaps if you want to give polishing a go yourself.
  3. Maybe thats why they have a 10kmh tollerance...
  4. How have I not seen this evo? Owner better get the car out over summer.
  5. Do you honestly think any f**kwit that is on the run in a stolen car gives a sh*t about other motorists? Hurting someone else is probably the least of their concerns. Far to many factors to really have a speed limit for pursuits, eg motorway or country lane? How serious is the crime? How likely are they to catch him later on? Basically , if the cops are chasing an escaped murdurer along the motorway in the middle of the night then its fair enough to go as fast as the have to. However, chasing some 14yo who took his mums corolla and then failed to give away isn't worth even close to the same amount of risk, and 140kph on roads with sharp bends is getting a bit excessive.
  6. Looking at that weight I think you might have specs for an E30. E36 316i weighs around 1250, more for 6 cyl. All E36 6 cyls are chain, the 4 cyls went to chains around 93?
  7. petone

    E30 LSD

    More of a feeler, I've possibly got a 3.73 LSD for E30 coming in soon. I can't justify the cost but someone on here might be interested... $700 ono
  8. you will have to pay gst as the goods are worth more than $100 (or something like that). So you are looking at roughly $1650NZ landed incl gst, pricey but sweet wheels and a perfect fit for E30. btw wheels are 17 x 7.5 et 20. Not available in 16" yet but there were rumours about some being made. Not sure whats happening with those.
  9. http://www.mayhemperformance.co.nz/?page=items&item=108 not sure if they do them in 4 x 100
  10. what I can't figure out is how ebay got so popular. Was it just first in? TM is so much easier to navigate and search than ebay. Sure ebay has a few nice features but in general its just nowhere near a easy as TM.
  11. What are some of the other good NZ auction sites?
  12. As the title says, anyone got a spare/old Vane Air Flow meter lying around? Preferably from an 87 318i as I know the L-jet system changed a little over time but anything from a M10 318i should work. PM or email me. Cheers, Mike
  13. petone

    mad problems

    Not sure lock smith could help, it sounds as though you have "double locked' the car some how. Basically the lock solenoid has jammed the lock so it can only be opened through the central locking system. Can someone with more knowledge than me PM this guy how to open the bonnet? That way you'll be able to charge your battery and use the central locking.
  14. Hi anyone got a fuel pressure regulator from a 2.7 'e' engine lying around? I've seen a few 5 series in NZ with 'e' engines so someone must have something? PM or email me if you can help.
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