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Everything posted by 323e30

  1. 323e30

    bmw 323i e30

    i custom fitted the sideskirts, not sure what they were originally off
  2. 323e30

    bmw 323i e30

    oil pressure oil temp water temp, ive been thinking about putting an oil cooler in but i dnt knw if it needs one, i dont know the optimum running temps. the mags are for only street show i have a set of bmw 16" set aside
  3. have you got the shells still? how much will it cost? im looking for a basically striped rolling body that is still regrod or on hold
  4. jetronic bosch 318i cpu 30 bucks 1985 model
  5. 323e30

    bmw 323i e30

    front has some kit i found at a wrecker on an import not sure who made it not that it can be seen in this pic anyway!
  6. 323e30

    bmw 323i e30

    engine is a 323i body is a 318i only upgraded engine shocks springs and brakes. so far
  7. 323e30

    power steering

    does it need a mechanical rack impinion? do any specific bmas have these to suit e30
  8. 323e30


    if you still have the supercharger by the time you get this reply to [email protected]. thanks
  9. 323e30

    parts 318i e30

    318i 1985 airflow meter... offers on all parts. other 318i 85 engine parts also avalible i have two basically complete engines one that has done 145kms and one that has done 170kms. no radiators or radiator piping. gaurantee cheap deals. steering racks also [email protected]
  10. 323e30


    headers 323i e30 prefacelift headers wanted. supercharger kit or information also wanted. please help
  11. do i need to change the steering rack on a e30 323i to remove the power steering?????????????
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