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bimmer boy

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Everything posted by bimmer boy

  1. bimmer boy

    My Ride

    i did the other nite but only cos i was having a sad saturday nite at home
  2. i wouldnt get rstybm as my number plate ever i think i would just get my current one put on a europlate
  3. bimmer boy

    My Ride

    dont b rediculous everyone one on bimmersport drinks lol all the ones i met do any way
  4. No, but now all someone has to do is run yours and then start in a 300m radius hopefully no one on here is that horrible lol
  5. happy birthday dude! have a good one
  6. i like it i think that the darkness of them is just right haha its like a a version of dans car . dark blue with smoked rears i like it
  7. excellent . im only going because of concord dawn haha still havent herd them live but will tommorow :thumb:
  8. yea i orignally wanted to go to the drags then dancing in the street but dont know wat happend there
  9. heres some details Dancing in the Street January - March 2005 FREE SUMMER EVENT The ultimate street parties - featuring some of Auckland and New Zealand's finest DJ's and bands! Be there! Listen to 95bFM for details. Programme Date Venue and time Event Sponsors Friday 18 February 2004 Lorne St (in front of the Central City Library) 8pm - midnight Music in Parks - Dancing in the Street Featuring some of Auckland and New Zealand's finest DJ's and bands: Concord Dawn, Minuit, Frontline and DVS. Friday 18 February 2004 Lorne St (in front of the Central City Library) 8pm - midnight Music in Parks - Dancing in the Street Featuring some of Auckland and New Zealand's finest DJ's and bands: Concord Dawn, Minuit, Frontline and DVS.
  10. as the title says i herd about it today and herd concord dawn is gunna play as well so i thought i might go along and see just thought id ask if anyone else here is going its in town some ware (AKL) and presume it is in a street lol go figure cheers
  11. sorry bit off topic.. very random question-are you the dude who i met on mitchel st a while back ?ok back on topic now
  12. yea dude sounds like u braggin with the crash a bit i mean a woman in hospital with a broken back legs and pelvis is so not cool and is quite horrible that there are drivers who do this to other people i hope you wernt driving any way back topic you got his home address so atleast hes honest and wants to get it fixed for you so its all sweet :thumb:
  13. no i was telling u wat STZ meansand how come u dont want 1NSTYL ???
  14. STZ = styles (im guessing here) um wat about BMDUB BIMMIN (i want this one) 3ERXTC (kinda lame) hmm outa idea i do hav a bit of paper someware with all the ideas i had on it
  15. its turned into a different furby language!! ahhhhhnah bro i hope u find your furby thing
  16. sometime i hav a beer while on bimmersportmost the time i have done nothing to earn it
  17. most deffinatly. like dans they are coolbut yea keep the fogs in they look sweet
  18. on behalf of wat everyone is thinking. WHAT THE F*CK!!! ok what ever floats ya boat try trade me
  19. cancel that it does now but wasnt before looks damn sweet
  20. this has happend to mine so i need to get it fixed aswell
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