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bimmer boy

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Everything posted by bimmer boy

  1. Hey does any body know how to do screen shots ? that show a shot of your entire screen . need to know how to do it for design this year and no one else knows so if some one does cheers in advance like this if you dont get what i mean......
  2. try a wrecker, but good luck or ebay
  3. mmm its similar/ is modena .love it
  4. ok ill put your two bottle caps on one side on the car and do pics lol
  5. go girl happy b'day :thumb:
  6. but yea dont pay anyone for it cos you can do it yourself so easily
  7. personaly i dont like blacked out grills but if u like it why not
  8. wat look at the interior he has its mint why would u need to change it? now that would just be f*cking cool :thumb:
  9. man that thing is madd hot gotta get me one of those!
  10. that is looking very clean indeed top marks emma i cleaned my car today too it was grubby i swear all my cleaning utinsils wer so black form dust and grime now its nice and sparkly i wont post pics cos ill get mocked for the tris lol
  11. bimmer boy

    Pics of my Ride

    are the seats leather or vinyl???
  12. bimmer boy

    Pics of my Ride

    320 get single pipe in some pre-fl cases. He has an engine swap.Nice work Matt - get a new exhaust, the 323 exhause I had on my 2.5 was very restrictive and it made a massive different when I changed. Love the seats. The color is called Bronzit Metallic yea i thought it was bronzit but i didnt wanna say ' nice love the bronzit ' and then get shut down and hav him say 'erm no its not bronzit' lol
  13. post whore right here read evey post lol nah if i really really wanted to b a mod i would hav bribed u a long time ago lol yea i can understand how mods lock threads even if some are prematurely because of people going completly off topic and if it wernt 'policed' all topics would end up like this and that wouldnt be cool if your some one who has a genuine intrest in the actual topic
  14. hmmm maybe i need to do wat you did cos currently one one window is working that i know of i just thought it would be a easier option to change to manual just incase the one that works decides to crap out
  15. well wat do u expect from something with a $1 reserve??
  16. found this on trade me some one may be keen cos i know i would if my account wasnt suspended cos its cheap lol $1 Reserve
  17. i dont know they hav there moments they are quite tempremental and i perfer manual crank windows
  18. bimmer boy

    Pics of my Ride

    so what not getting at you anything but wat does it matter if he is big or not? more questions from me lol wat kind of wheels are they ? they suit ur car quite well
  19. hey there just wanted to know if its possible to change from electric windows to manual wind up windows? if so is it easy??? cheers :thumb:
  20. bimmer boy

    Pics of my Ride

    car looks toit loving that colour .. wats it called?
  21. happy birthday bro hav a good one :thumb: :drunk:
  22. congradulations on ur recent purchase!! sounds phat dude welcome to the site too!!
  23. bimmer boy

    Interior Fan

    heres a better set of instructions on how to fix the problem and has pictures to help might try this after school tommorow Ventilation only works in high (4) position ........ How to solve it
  24. i thought basket weaves wer 15" ? cos thats what my mate has
  25. bimmer boy

    Interior Fan

    just copeid and pasted this from a site , it might help E30 Blower problems. The fan in my '90 325iC stopped operating in the 1,2 and 3 position but will operate in the 4 (highest) setting. I think I once read something about replacing a "fan control module" or something similar in name. If anyone has information or a previous post which describes how to diagnose and resolve this problem I would greatly appreciate it if you would e-mail it to me at [email protected] or post it publicly. As my Bently has been ordered, I intend to DIY this repair. Thanks in advance, Tim Tim, This sounds like something wrong with the Blower resistors or safety switch. When the control is in pos 1-3, current goes through 1-3 resistors and a overheat safety switch before going to the blower. In pos. 4 current goes directly to the blower. Since it doesn't work in pos. 1-3 I would suspect the safety switch or the resistors. On the '88 the safety switch is inside the blower housing accessible from the engine compartment, behind the cowl cover. The resistor is the most common failure, however. > ...I found out > that neither the fan or the AC work at settings 1 to 3, but do work at > setting 4 (max fan speed). Nothing at all happens at 1 to 3. Common problem. BMW uses series resistors to reduce voltage to the fan and produce the slower speeds. You just lost the resistor board. The AC doesn't work because it senses the airflow before it turns on. The resistors are easy to fix, but somewhat hard to get to. Look on the top of the firewall from the engine compartement. There is a section about 18" long by 6" high right at the top which is removable with a couple of screws. You will probably have to take off a few wires and tubes from the firewall as well. After you remove that section you will see the top of the HVAC unit sticking out of the passenger compartement. Remove the plastic cover (held on by a couple of straps if I remember right) to see the fan. The fan motor is a horizontal cylinder with a squirl (sp?) cage fan at either end. The resistor board is slid into the HVAC case below the fan. It is a small board, about 1-2" square, with 3 bare wire resistors on it. You pull it out toward you, nothing to detach first, it has plugs on the far side. Either you lost one of the resistors, or the contacts are dirty. Check it with an ohm meter. Installation is the reverse of removal ;-) good luck,
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