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Posts posted by briancol

  1. Go to the best Euro painter in Wellington and get him to do an insurance quote. It will cost a lot more than $500.00 for a proper paint job, so pay the excess and get the best possible job done.

    Because it was malicous damage done by another party, you shouldn't lose your no-claims bonus.

  2. Interested to know how you have access to private info' no one else has.

    Doesn't sound 100% legit.

    As for the privacy thing re Carjam and the like, i think you all have it backwards.

    All info is now private unless you "opt" to have it public.

    My understanding of it anyway.

    As a car dealer, I am able to source all that info and a lot more also.

  3. I have been waiting for an interior from an E36 M3 coupe in black leather with Vader seats for a long time. My name is at the top of the list with a lot of BMW wreckers but still no interior. HellBM did have a set of ivory ones recently so if you want them then contact Ray, otherwise just hang in there sunshine, you might get lucky.

  4. Hi Jack,

    Ring me on 021 393334. I am taking the plate holder off my car and putting a Euro one on in the next week or two, so my old one will be available.

    Edit: I have just spoken with Team McMillen and my part is coming from oversaes and will be about 7-10 working days before it arrives.

  5. First off Cleary24, where do you live? Put that on your profile because it helps us to recommend mechanics etc. in your vicinity.

    You have asked a lot of questions in your post, but the most important advice I can give is, once you have picked out the car you want to buy, then get it checked by a BMW specialist. Do not go to AA or othercar inspection places as a car such as BMW need specialist equiptment to diagnose problems and these are usually only carried by European specialists.

    Models with half leather are usually motorsport models, and the choice of leather or cloth interiors was made by the first purchaser. Most NZ new beemers are full leather whereas the Japanese don't like leather and the majority of Jap imports come with Velour seats.

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