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Posts posted by briancol

  1. Bee's Wax was a surfboard wax... wasn't it... thats what i know it as.

    I use a product called "Beewild Car Grooming Wax". It comes from Davidsons Apiaries in Timaru.

    It is the best product I know to do body mouldings, door handles, window rubbers etc. and contains no silicone.

  2. My supply of Bees Wax is getting really low so I went out yesterday to buy some more.

    I tried Supercheap, Repco, and Bunnings but no one stocks it any more.

    According to the jar I have at the moment, I can buy it from the makers but that will take a few days and I need it for the Show'n'Shine.

    Any suggestions here in Sth. Auckland.

  3. An E39 520i smoking it's way along the NWestern this morning, BEZ something. Middle aged woman driving it, smoke getting heavier, if it's your mums, tell her to fix it!

    Why am I not surprised. Those 520's (probably ex Singapore) are way too underpowered and that poor engine has to work it's ring out to move all that weight.

  4. From yesterdays New Zealand Herald.

    Why would they want to sell this?

    Sounds like a very ungrateful recipient, and imagine if you were the person who gave this as a gift. You would NEVER buy them anything again.

    (Trying to upload pic)

    Advert from Cars For Sale

    BMW M3 convertable 2011 6 speed NZ new, unwanted gift, list price $179,000 best offer over $140,000 will buy.

    Then phone numbers

  5. I'm getting between 10 & 12 ltrs/100kms.

    This is a big improvement since I got the manual (and I still run a 3.64 diff.

    The reason it is an improvement on the Jatco is that box was buggered and the poor engine was working it's ring out just to get going.

    Thank god for manual conversions.

  6. I am old enough to remember the Wahine sinking, and all the cars that were on board.

    Okay, slightly different as they were submerged in salt water, but a lot of those cars were salvaged and sold very cheaply to the public, and the Government registered the fact that they were from the Wahine on the ownership papers at that time.

    I got into the motor trade a few years after this occurred and the problems that these vehicles had was phenominal.

    As a car salesman in those days, the maximum we would trade these cars for was scrap value only, and they were sent straight to the scrap yards, not to wreckers.

    Anyone who buys parts from these Australian cars is a fool, but in saying that, I daresay some uncouth, moneyhungry bas**rd will buy these wrecks for salvage and sell the parts on to the unsuspecting public.

  7. I think what we have here, is a clear example of why young guys with little disposable income or some sort of mechanical knowledge should stick to a push bike <_<

    I'm in total agreement here.

    BMW's have become affordable for a lot of people in the lower income bracket, but they are still more expensive than a ricer or Aussie car to repair.

    If you can't afford to service and maintain your vehicle of choice, then don't buy it in the first place.

    It's a buzz telling all your mates that you own a beemer (once the domain of only the wealthy) but whats the point. If you cant afford to keep it on the road then it becomes a liability and you end up telling people what a PoS BMW's are just because you can't afford to repair it.

    BadBm, I think you would be better off with a Toyota.

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