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Posts posted by oldskool

  1. Hey,

    Have card at home for BM guru in Chch, but do yourself a favour and leave ChCh BMW to it, from second person experience, they were pants with doing not only the vehicle inspection, but also not fixing issues and charging pretty well for the insult.

    Don't know what your experience has been when in ChCh Cain, but given that I drove the car in question both prior to inspection and post work, I would not have been recommending them on that particular day, nor to many after.

    I'll post details tomoz for you re : specialist.



  2. Hey,

    Have seen six from memory, have seen one in Avus (??) Blue, Green, 2x Yellow, Black and one in the Copper colour similar to the GM Tiger Gold, not sure of its name. All have been imports bar the Black one ( I think ) and from memory it was an smg. There has also been a Daytona Violet one on TM recently, think that one belongs to a Bimmersport Member.

    Not many here and a spectacular buy out of UK as they seem somewhat unloved over there, 4k - 6k GBP will secure a nice one with full history.

    Think that might be next years mission. Thats if the Govt. does'nt bring in more new laws to spoil all our enjoyment.

    If you want to buy one just make sure you have the vanos checked out and that the Gbox is in good health, they seem to be the two main weaknesses in the evo.

    Have an article that lists production runs etc, but don't know how many are here in NZ, not much more than a handful would be a safe bet though.



  3. Sounds fantastic - during the Xmas break would be great as I'm going to be around pretty much the whole time.

    The 6 sounds great and is the 735 a manual?

    Unfortunately not, but does go very hard for some unexplained reason, Ernst thinks it has had the fuel metering tutued with, really love it though.

    The 745 ( south african model with 3.5 twin cam engine )will be getting a 5spd conversion when funds allow, I have the m5 box and just getting the last bits and pieces together to do conversion.

    Want to import a turbo 745 from euro or US as well, so that way I have one of each, just coz.

    I'll let you know if I get the cars sorted b4 xmas, planning to get a few people togetha and go get them in one go, could be a good excuse for a convoy eh.

    Would love to see the Purple Petrol Eater, that is one beautiful machine, I would love to add one to my collection too.


  4. Wow it's an impressive stable you've got there. Did you have a 635 for sale on trademe a while ago?

    Well if time permits in the future you should join us for a blat round the countryside - otherwise I'd settle for a peek in your garage ;)



    Hey Simon,

    Fancy a road trip ova the xmas period, pretty much all of my toys bar 4 are in Akl, sitting in storage or part way through resto's.

    Havent had 6er's on trade me, but looking forward to putting finished article in rides section, the one thats been completed at the mo is an auto with m6 front & rear spoilers and wheeel arch lips, paint is fiiiiiiiiinnnnnnaaaaaallllllllyyyy nearly finished and then it will be off to have all new shocks & springs etc and we will look at what wheels will set it off.

    Between my first Beemer (Blue 735 that I have had repainted 17 put on and a bbs front spoiler) and the 6 when its finished I will be a happy boy, thinking I will sell the 740 & 530, nice but a bit boring really.

    I think I might have to go to BHA ( BMW Hoarders Anonymous ) to deal with my sickness !!!!!!!!!!!!!!?????????????????

    Think I would rather neva get well thou.



  5. Grant do you need a reason to get the M5 out??? I wouldn't! Trip to the dairy would be enough for me - and not the closest one either ;)

    Seriously though, would love to see your M5

    Will all these Hawkes Bay members and the awesome weather I can feel another drive coming on

    Yeah, I'm kinda the same, not unusual to pop down the road and return several hours later, just don't have the time at the mo, works been flat tack, so it's usually late night runs, really enjoying the back roads down here, forgot how much fun I used to have with my cousins raising merry hell around the place in the holidays when we were younger tacks. Hell of a lot more enjoyable in todays toys though.

  6. i almost thought you were being serious there, was going to recommend you turn yourself in to be put down

    If I was Gus, it would be a waste of perfectly good drugs. Shooting would be a waste of lead, burning would be a waste of wood, not to mention the carbon credits, and spade to the head and dropping in landfill would still not be good enough....... think fed to the sharks would be the only useful way to dispose of someone who was truely that stupid.....which makes me wonder...........has anyone invited that guy out fishing......burley anybody ??

  7. Guys,

    I can't belief yaw disbelifes, its clearlie the evalusion of the m5, the m2, spechile deevalop'd arse a taxi brake modul,

    given yaw the duwel bennifits of bowth xcepsionul ekonome wif the skintilateing powa and purfawmanse fhat yaw wood ecept frum sush a powahorse.

    I dunt no if yaw can trewlley apreshiate the hand-on-it-lig fhat fhis car hass, uts incredribble.

    Fhats awl I haved to saad on it.

  8. Hey Guys,

    Saw the m3 as I was finishing off my last open home, popped out later and saw the collection on the lawn in Havelock looked most impressive, let me know the next time you are planning to go for a run, I need an excuse to get the m5 out of the shed.

    Sounds like a good time was had by all, look forward to tagging along soon.

    Cheers Grant

  9. Hey Darryl,

    Car looks great, it was early pic's of your that convinced me to pick up an e3, white 3.0si with aftermarket full length webasto sunroof, it's currently getting a light refurbishment, unfortunately not a superb 100 point + rebuilt as yours has been the lucky recipient of. I am trying to source front and rear head rests, could you shed any light ? the other thought was to go for early e23 seats, do you know if the fronts have the same size runners and would they be a straight "Bolt In" ?

    Would measure and check myself but car is currently at Vintrim in Akl and I am in Hawkes Bay. Thanks for inspiring me, I picked mine up in hamilton and had a great drive up to Akl, and have enjoyed parking my butt in it every time, and thats been whilst it has been in poor health, so really looking forward to bring it back down to the Bay now the oily bits are in order and the shiny bits are nearly done.

    I will use your car as a source of motivation to glam the old girl up to her former beauty over the coming months.



  10. Hey Guys,

    Good to see some bimmersport members in H.B. GIJoel, love the car, it was me that put the card on it the other day, let me know next time your going for a scratch, I'll bring my m5 out for a play.

    Cheers Grant

  11. No contest,

    Alpina is nice but unless its a twin turbo b10, which this is not (TT LHD only) e34 m5 best 5 except for e38 m5 and even then some guys I know of still pine for their old e34's

    m5 is the best bemmer I have ever owned, but then I am biased

    Brent is on the money for the Alpina, guy is way to rich on that one

  12. Hey,

    In regards to the consumer guarantees act, no LMVD can contract out of the act, it is there to cover all consumers regardless of the product, this I think you will find applys to any area of purchasing, business commercial or private, if the product fails to perform to the level or standard it was promised or implied to do then you have right to make claim under the CGA.

    Again if a LMVD is selling you a vehicle that they maintain is able to be registered in this country, then you have full right to claim if their advice has been misleading or incorrect, even if it has been a genuine mistake on their part.

    It would be very rare to find a vehicle on a car yard that had not been through some level of compliance as the rules governing the industry spell out pretty clearly the LMVD's obligations and responsibilities in regard to selling road worthy vehicles to the public.

    Most of the time you can expect that the vehicle will be vinned woffed & regged as part of the sale, if unsure make it a condition of the sale and ensure that it is done prior to paying the balance of the purchase price, if you are using finance they generally won't provide the finance untill the vehicle is fully complied and road worthy anyway.

    Some yards will claim that paying for the proccess of complying the car is your expense ( + $350.00 on road costs ) Negotiate your deal on the car accordingly, and above all don't be railroaded into anything your not 100% happy with.

    Happy Hunting


  13. Ahh,

    The old rhd myth rears its head once more, no rhd m3 in e30 eva, not from the factory, thats for sure.

    I rang about this one when it was in JC's, then new, used car yard, be about two years ago, I was quoted $60 k then, so hey try an offer, or just go find a mint one in uk or germany for half the price and have a european trip into the bargain also...

    Does look bl**dy nice though...

  14. Hey Guys,

    The only claim to fame I have in relation to that magnificent beast is that Gerry currently has the front strut brace out of my 635 resto nestled in the front of the car at present.

    Both he & Peter have beautiful cars, I have never seen any of their cars looking anything put pristine...

    Hope to run my second 635 in the targa in two years time once the conversion is done & sorted, putting a 4.4 in it provided I can find one at reasonable money.

    If I can keep up with Gerry, I'll be a happy man...

  15. Hey Guys,

    I am by no stretch of anyone's imagination a cricket player, but the B.C.'s have three fundamental flaws that keep cropping up.

    The first is a total lack of commitment in the field, this is not intrinsically hard to resolve in relation to other skills that take match time to build, the number of dropped catches, misfields, and frankly appalling accuracy with throwing not only to the keeper but within the field its self is something that should not happen in an international side, remember these men are being paid to play at this level

    The second is the seeming lack of stamina, if you look at the last ten overs of any innings, they fall apart, conditioning training will help in this area, as will heat conditioning, as I know it has been hellishly hot in Aussie.

    The third and biggest area of concern, as it is probably the hardest to overcome is the mental fortitude of the team, there is a lack of belief in their own abilities and the mind set to win, it is often written all over the face of the skipper, and this is all the more dangerous for the rest of the team.

    These guys have the skill and the ability to be at the top along side Aussie, they however need to find the attitude, stamina and belief to be there, there is no excuse for the current lack of form, even if it is an improvement from the same time 2-3 months ago.

    They are professionals, they are deemed to be the best this country has, this is there occupation and what they live and hopefully love to do, so it is time they started playing with heart & soul, or they will remain a second rate team playing at an inferior level.

    Right off soap box now,

    Cheers for the rant


  16. Don't buy an ML430. The old man has one and it makes a really great noise - thats all it does well.

    X5d all day long - Does the FL one have twin turbo 3.5d 6cylinder in it?

    Hey Spargo,

    Unfortunately no it doesnt, but you never know there may be one lurking in the M skunk works somewhere, and from what I've read it hasnt been total ruled out yet either.

    How much fun would that be HeHeHe !!!!

  17. Hey Em,

    I would never disregard your advice as you are usually right on the button, I guess my dislike for the ML55 stems from being so disappointed in a vehicle I really wanted to like, it does have a fantastic motor and sounds great when wound out, but it just never felt as composed or secure as the x5 and as I say the x5 was standard, my dad had a ml320 years ago and I was totally underwhelmed with that too !! But give me an e55 and I'll be a happy man for the rest of my days !!

    Hows your little gem going ? How many drivers have you blinded with the gleem coming off it ?

    Sorry Em, meant no offence to anyone.

    Cheers Grant

  18. Hey Martyyn,

    The diesel has greater torque than the 4.4, think you would be impressed with it. Seatbelts are standard configuration, don't ask me why, think the reverse belts are fantastic too. Friend of mine has X5 and two young kids, one in booster seat and one in car seat, she finds it the best vehicle ever for ease of putting kids in and has no probs. with kids seats, no more sore backs in that household !!

    Sorry if I'm coming across as a speed freak, just trying to point out that you won't feel too left behind performance wise in comparo to your current beastie.

    FYI she was hit in the rear by a light truck, wrote off the truck, damaged the bumper and tweaked the rear quarter on the x5, the only reason the x5 could not be driven away was due to a rear sensor being set off that shut the vehicle down, dealer had it running next morning and vehicle was fully drivable with no structural damage, most importantly though no damage to her or her son who was in the vehicle at the time.

    There is a nice Silver 2001 4.4 Sportpac on trade me at the mo, NZ new, black leather, $50k, 107 km's from memory.


  19. Hey Martyyn

    Think Jazzbass is referring to the doco. on 4x4's being dangerous, but with all due respect Jassbass, X5 is a very different dynamic beast to the run of the mill 4x4, don't forget the X5 is really a glorified station wagon with permanent all wheel drive as opposed to a true purpose built separate chassis 4x4 off road vehicle. Tiff Needle put a 4.8si round a race track and it was quicker than a Civic typeR !! BMW built the X5 to have the same level of driving dynamics and handling ability as all other vehicle in their portfolio, just read any write up on one in any mag Jassbass and you'll get an idea of the vehicles ability.

    Martyyn, if your looking for something that makes hills flat, do try the td, I used to find the momentary hesitation at take off a little annoying if I had been driving the SS for any length of time, but in reality it was actually quicker up to about 50 - 60 kms, it was just the sensation that was misleading. My one was pre-facelift so only had 184 HP, but had 500 NM to counter that, had great performance in the real world, rapid enough to overtake most anything, I often used to think after driving the SS for a while that the X5 was sluggish when overtaking, only to glance down at the speedo and find that I was travelling 20+ km's quicker than I anticipated, the td puts on speed deceptively, so be warned if you go for one of these. Great for load carrying too when needed, used to fit more into it than my brother in law could get into his current model explorer !!

    If you do go for a td, and find you need more power, there are a number of chips available that take the h.p. up to 200 + as well as the expected increase in torque, factor on about $1200 - $2000 to do dependant on what one you go for.

    There are a number of 4.4 available for mid 40's to 50's, I have seen a NZ new 131 km td for sale for $37, but it was snapped up pretty quick, there are a number of NZ new ones on the market at present in the above price range, would recommend you drive a standard spec and a sport back to back to see which one you prefer.

    Cheers Grant

  20. Hey Martyn,

    Seems everyone is giving advice without having had the benefit of experience, first matter to address & sorry for this Em, don't touch the ML55 with a ten foot barge pole, if you want to drive a glorified Pajero with more grunt than talent this is the ideal machine, drove one back to back from Akl to Taupo via the back way through Te Awamutu, Kehi kehi etc, and except for have heaps of grunt on the staights the ML55 was no match for the X5 3.0td I had the joy of using as my Co. car for 2 years, on top of that my passengers in the ML complained of feeling sick within 20 - 30 mins of travel, might add that X5 was standard spec, not sport. Having had the use of a 3.0 petrol in Aus for a couple of weeks, I would recommend picking the td over the petrol, in real world driving there is not much in it, the deisel actually being quicker in most cases, except when being rung out, some thing you do have to do frequently in the 3.0 petrol as it lacks a little in torque, still a magic sound though. If you really want grunt go for a 4.6 or 4.8 is, 4.8 is the later version think it was late 05 early 06, not too sure, closest thing to an auto m5 you will find in the bmw range, ride is pretty harsh but the power and speed is fantastic. If you wanted the best to go for I would recommend the facelift 3.0 td or 4.4 with the sportspac, bigger wheels, firmer suspension, better seats and often higher spec'd from new, GPS etc.

    I have spent a fair bit of time behind the wheel of all of the variants, my own personal choice would be a manual td with sportpac and rechipped for approx 230 - 250 hp + a tonne of torque.

    I used to regularly tow our 24 ft boat behind the X5, and old and heavy boat at that, my mate with his smaller lighter boat behind his VY V8 would complain that he couldnt keep up & he had a very heavy foot, on top of that I would regularly beat another mad mate down to Taupo in the X5 when he was driving my VY SS and I'd still get around 900 kms out of a tank in the bmw.

    I currently have as my daily driver a e38 740 and have to say that there are very few areas the 740 would excel the X5, interior space and outright accelleration are the only two that really come to mind.

    Go the X5 and I'd be very very surprised if you ever for one moment regreted it.

    Happy hunting, you are currently spoilt for choice in the market place.

    Cheers Grant

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