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About Widow

  • Rank
    1st Gear
  1. Widow

    My Stupidity...

    Stolen, Do you need your car to get to and from work or is driving part of your job description? You are obliged to tell your workplace if this is going to be something that could impact on your performance or ability to do the job (like having to ctach a bus and being constantly late to work). I have been in your position so I feel your pain (though I only had two beers with a meal and was over the limit). But it was a very good lesson to learn, even such a small amount can put you over. Telling your workplace will the hardest!!
  2. Widow

    My Stupidity...

    This will not affect your ability to travel. It is a traffic conviction, not a criminal conviction. I am in the industry (and I have been in your position!) - my advice - use a duty solicitor, plead guilty and take the six months, it will be much cheaper than employing a lawyer, and judges do not like lawyers who rabbit on with excuses of why their client drove over the limit!
  3. Widow

    new members

    I am one of those roughly 130 people who have never posted (except for now!!). I don't own a bmw, don't have a lot to contribute but love the site, posts, ideas and information all the same. Not everyone likes to see their names in lights!!
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