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Posts posted by BMW POWER

  1. Well, I can assure you I dont have a suitcase full of money... if I did, Ill be in a M3 instead of a 318i...

    Haha I know, was pulling your leg!

    Thought that was red haha, i've had it around six months now, very happy with it, heaps of balls lol.

    Yeah nah any go-faster colour. Heres to hoping you'll enjoy it for years to come :)

  2. its all about $$$ mate...and there isnt that many of us with a suitcase full of it....

    Rich coming from an ex-Kristin boy. (No pun intended) :P :P :P

    Yeah Dakar really suits the M3, makes it go faster just by looking at it. How long have you had it Greg?

  3. Yeah, It does.

    "Young people shouldn't be drinking" yes I know this. I understand it. It's illegal.

    When people stereotype "Oh they're all just f**kwits and irresponsible when they drink" Its annoying. Yeah, I drink. But wouldn't you rather a young person who drinks occasionally (Like a special occasion eg bday party), knows their limits and looks out for their mates, than one who goes all out every weekend looking for parties, looking for trouble and does stupid sh*t. There have been countless occasions where I have looked after pissed mates because they've all gone silly.

    Its naughty,illegal,bad,whatever. But it doesn't stop us unfortunately. Like how many people speed a year. Theres a law against that. How many people have affairs a year. Theres a law against that. How many 15 year olds have sex, theres a law against that too. But it doesn't stop them.

    Its absolutely terrible it contributes to soooo many teenage deaths each year, take the Edgeware Road party for example. Two teenage girls killed and a whole nation in shock.

    I know you guys won't change your mind, but just think about what I said... " Its not the drinking its how we're drinking"

    I know I'm in the wrong and fighting a losing battle, but just trying to make the point of being a responsible non-sterotypical teenager.

  4. Yeah thats true Cain. I can see where you're coming from. But it's more a case of what 16/17 year old doesn't. I can't really see the fine line between maturity of day before you are 18 and day after. So a year doesn't hurt.

    I guess it'll be coffee instead of beer when you come down then. :P

  5. Great effort James, Those were mint photos.Whats your camera setup?

    Lol and I assume you were reasonably sober to have taken those pics haha. I remember talking to Dad in the car....

    "So where does your Dad work Jay?" -Dad

    "CDC" -Emma

    "Emmma.... DCC" -Jay

    "Oh, sh*t." -Emma

    Everyone else have a good night?

  6. The FBI one is a Logon Studio document so you'll have to download that program (I provided a link) as well cos its a .stylexp extension. I know thats confusing because you'd think that it would be .stylxp for Style XP but anyways.....

    And its Apple stuff cos StyleXP asked you when you installed it "Do you want to install Panther theme" to test if it works, and thats the default theme that comes with the program.

    I just compiled a pack of edited FBI/CIA Logons for you guys to download, using both WinRAR and WinZIP.... but bear in mind for you to use it firstly you must download and install Logon Studio. Instructions are included.

    Logon Studio Download HERE

    FBI/CIA Logon Pack using WinRAR DOWNLOAD HERE

    FBI/CIA Logon Pack using WinZip DOWNLOAD HERE

    Black Theme to go with anything - 3rd one down on that page. Install with Style XP

  7. Hey Guys

    I decided to change the way XP looks in the weekend. A few of you computer savvy people have probably already discovered this miracle but hey. :)

    Even if you're not so good with computers, its really easy and safe to alter the look of it. I went for the whole FBI/CIA Agent thing cos its funny to scare your mates with, but the possibilities are endless.

    EDIT: I compiled a pack of 11 FBI/CIA/NSA Logons and theres a link at the bottom of this page to them, then just follow the instructions once you have unzipped the files using WinRAR/ WinZip

    The programs I used were

    StyleXP (.theme extensions) Download HERE Go for MALE Version

    Logon Studio (.stylexp extensions) Download HERE

    TWEAKUI (To clean up the desktop of icons) [http://www.brothersoft.com/tweak-ui-60983.html"Download HERE/url

    You can change bootscreens (though i wouldn't reccommend) logons, taskbars, screensavers, wallpapers, icons...

    Pretty self explanatory really once you install the programs.Essentially just download the theme,unzip it,add it to StyleXP/Logonstudio and apply

    Heres a good site for getting themes etc


    Or just type "XP Themes" in Google

    Heres what I've done.... a bit wank wank but pretty cool.

    Posted Image

    CIA logon screen

    Posted Image

    Another CIA logon screen

    Posted Image

    CIA Logon screen

    Posted Image

    Black toolbar and stuff, CIA Wallpaper with no logos on desktop

    Posted Image

    Mint startup menu with iCandy icons

    Posted Image

    Startup menu is transparent

    Posted Image

    FBI Logon

    Yeah if you're stuck just post here and I'll try help

  8. Hi Guys

    We were over on the West Coast last week- yes the rainiest place in New Zealand and our windcreen wipers started working intermitently then completely would not work. Rang our tech at Dunedin BMW and he told us to disconnect battery then re-connect. That got us over the Arthurs Pass back to Christchurch where we went to Christchurch BMW. The gave us some minor module thing and sent us on our way. Worked ok - but then started stuffing out when we got home. Booked it into Dunedin BMW, they said its the main module (computer!) so $1300 later....still not fixed.

    So, does anyone have any comments on suggestions on what it could be? Because Mum is preparing to wage war on the Motherland for a third time, and we don't want that do we.



  9. What a complete joke! I also saw a old skool datson in a performance mag that had an M3 badge on the boot, M3 wheels and the plate DATOM3, What the hell are these people thinking?????????

    They want what you don't have.

    Wank little boyracers. A carload was following on the way home just then, I was doing about 55kph, they were right up my ass and the light was pretty bright in my mirrors so I slowed right down to 35kph haha and they started to back off.

  10. Fair comment, but out of curiosity do Mercedes promote the AMG brand by having a line of over the counter accessories available to non AMG vehicles and also allow other aftermarket suppliers to use the AMG logo, like i refer to in my original post on this topic.Or do Mercedes have a view that AMG is a brand that should not be messed with and should remain unique.

    Yes we have AMG Wheels available but I think thats pretty much as far as it stretches unless you have a proper AMG.

    As far as I know, we do not sell replacement AMG badges or parts fullstop offhand, you have to order them, and if you had a non-AMG car you would probably would get a few sideways looks. Its sort of like semi-concious protection of the AMG brand, if you know what I mean?

    The feeling I have is Mercedes has more of a focus on keeping AMG pretty exclusive. If its an AMG packaged car, its pretty hardout, not just a steering wheel or seats. Youd have the wheels,steering wheel,seats,suspension etc.

    When an AMG car comes into work, its a proper AMG car that everyone makes a fuss of. Talking C55, C32, 190e Cosworth or an E55, the full yards....so yes i guess its an exclusive brand. You pretty much either have an AMG or a Mercedes.

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