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Everything posted by bmw_guy

  1. Is there anyway to get rid of the brake pad lining error light i think it is? It keeps flashing. Let me know. In regards to the picture its the error to the right of the P error.
  2. Yer thanks James, 9th June, Almost there Keen Thanks guys.
  3. Yer thanks James, 9th June, Almost there Keen Thanks guys.
  4. I even thanked you Bimmersport haha
  5. not bad aye? haha the whole article is all lies. lol i dont have a turbo and its not manual lol but they dont know yup ill upload each page
  6. I'd Love to, but also send my apologies. Cant get time off work. Hope you get a big turn out
  7. bmw_guy

    Breakfast news

    Sam Hayes has my vote, daim lol
  8. bmw_guy

    What the

    haha bad camber
  9. bmw_guy

    What the

    is that for real?
  10. haha yer your probably right livi
  11. 5 Pages. Its cause your a chick lol haha jj
  12. haha so true, im 17, probably one of thee youngest on BS i would think? Your not doing to bad aye lol an evo, which is pretty sweet! And now an e36 haha Very impressive
  13. Your 18? Wo, where you get all your moneys?
  14. Haha what a good chick, you crack me up
  15. bmw_guy

    Breakfast news

    She isnt that great aye
  16. bmw_guy

    Breakfast news

    I've met her and the team!
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