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Posts posted by htra024

  1. Driving around town today and saw a nissan with full loaded of people and the car went real low lol. Look funny as rear lower than front. I think beccause of heavy loaded therefore it lower the car that lot.

    However I concern how the e46 coupe looks like with all 5peoples (say ~300kgs) loaded on standard sup, M sup and aftermarket sup (say 30mm lower).

    Consider 30mm lower ride, a few thing to concern with heavy loaded (~300kgs) or 5peoples:

    1. how it look?

    2. any driving affect at speed compared to standard sup?

    3. quote 30mm lower ride?

    4. quote for fitment only?


  2. ^ Just book it in to Glenn's and get him to give it a proper inspection, your just going to get more guesses by less qualified people until somebody actually looks and can diagnose what is wrong with it.

    Glenn, can I please have a quote for diagnosing the problem? Please inform me how long you will need so I would organise my transport.

    Thank you.

  3. You all pretty much freaked me out :blink: .

    How much does it cost to fix? And who would do the job please?

    Hix.. such as bad car I have. Arm control, subframe issues and some right front damages @@.

    THank you.

    I went to the BMW in New Market before, they said they could not say anything before taking whole rear out and they chaged $400 or $500 just to find the problem.

  4. I apreciated for Glenn services and all your advices however from my point of view as the newbie but critically and logically think about the problem, it would not be subframe mounts issue because:

    1. If I go to the bad road condition, I would hear the noise relatively to the car shake.

    2. It seems happen at very low speed 10 or 20kmph. Especilly at traffic when I have to go slow, acclerate and slow down all the time. When I go on motoway, I do not hear anything at all.

    3. It doesnt happen constantly. Sometime I try to break and slowdown the car smoothly with "D" grear accordingly to the speed then no noise even until I stop still the car.

    Moreover, if it is mounts issue, when the car move or hit the rock, I would hear noise evenly with neutral "N" gear. I did tried to break hard with N gear, no noise either.

    In my opinion, it would be something with the tranmission, gear or rear diff because with NEUTRAL "N" gear, there is no NOISE at all.

    Im looking forward to hear other advice.

    Thank you.

  5. Hola all,

    The problem is: when I accelerate or slow it down, there is a noise likes “cluk†or something like that that I can hear from the back. Sometime its loud, sometime its not. It seems to me as the noise happen once when the gears change. Example: when I start stopping the car for red traffic light, I slow down the car and I can hear noise once when the car is nearly stop. If I put the gear to neutral “N†then it is no problem or noise at all. Same thing happen when I accelerate, at some certain speed or gear, I can hear the noise once.

    I got advices that the rear drift cause the noise. The rear drift was crack and it had been change however the problem has not been fixed.

    Im looking forward to hearing from all your advices.


    Thank you.

  6. Hula,

    I have been driving for more than 11 years and I am man in mature stage I believe.

    9 years driving in NZ and have had 2 tickets by check point (I held learner licence <_< ), 1 overspeed ticket at 140kmph (I was a lier by giving my mate DOB to the police :P, I paid the fee but still feel sorry for him as he lost his point LOL) and several of infringement tickets with Auckland City :( . Whatsoever info above just to clarify what I am saying I am in mature stage :D. My driving skill...rhmm... I think would be reasonable. I do not drive fast between 50-60kmph and 100-110kmph normally, I pay attention as other mature driver. Have not cause any accidents myself so far in fact some fckn dckhead :angry: hit my car and ran away without notices several times.

    I intented to go for Full Driving test around this week or early next week.

    Do you have any tips for me to take into consideration to aware of wasting >$100 fee?

    Im looking forward to hearing from you.

    Best regards,


  7. :o some mothrfck, shtty dckhead hit my 328CI last night around 7.30pm to 9.30pm while I had dinner at Kingsland. Hixx... these mothrfckers did not even leave a note instead these shtty dckhead put the fcken broken front indicator back on... they fck.. ... excuse ma language... so fcken piss me off.

    Here is my 328CI today outlook... so sad :huh:

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    Anyone nearby there last night? Would anyone see any mothrfckrs hit my car? please advise huhuu.. :(

    Would anyone please advise where or who to go for? Or please advise me a quote for this painting job.

    I live in Auckland central.

    Thanks so much.


  8. Sound like my problem too. My one is E46C328 00. I do not have alarm, just the remote key only. To lock the door, I just needed to press once however, to open the door, some time it worked immediately after one press but sometime I had to press a few time then. Last week, I spent 15mins trying to open the doors but I could not then have to put my key in the door lock to open it. I first though the key is running out of battery. I openned the key, clean the batteries inside, scew it back in then the key is no longer working with the car even the red led is still blinking when pressed. :mellow::wacko:

    Any one have any idea how to fix this?

    Sorry for my bad english :unsure:



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