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Posts posted by rjac001

  1. Sorry your way off

    suppose the only way to find out will be to do a diagnostic then run a few checks... funny cause I had a similar problem with my E30 same symptoms and it was just a loose lead, but guess I'm way off so it cant be that!

  2. laptop be broke so cant use diag tool. Car is having a bit of trouble starting.

    came out from foodtown yesterday and car keeps turning but wont start.

    ~battery is in good knick.

    ~there is fuel as it was backfiring and smells a bit of gas in exhaust and

    ~it feels like it wants to start and is almost there but loses it and keeps cranking.

    then by some miracle i got it started and drove it home.

    ~idles a bit rough when started but once past 1k rpm its smooth all the way.

    ~hesitates a bit when floored from idle as well.

    then I tried starting it this morning to no avail for 40 mins.

    my hunch is its probably the crankshaft sensor or camshaft sensor. anyway to test them?

    sounds like a loose lead connecting to spark plug / a bad spark plug

  3. Just play it cool and go around with the cash give him the money and take away the engine with supercharger and all the bits you need trust me once he sees the coin (flash it in his face first) he will let you take anything you want, it always works...

  4. Car audio always provides such good entertainment

    Here we have discussion about putting a sub in the arm rest in the back, this is actually quite a good Idea and if properly executed can work very well.

    The post then degenerates into obsession with fashion for ridiculously badly engineered speakers.

    The link goes to an IB sub that handles 550watts

    Lets look at it the speaker specs !!

    The cone weight MMS is 250 grams , the efficiency is 83dB 1W/1m QMS is 4

    What does this mean?

    - The cone is so heavy you need a mack truck to move it - Hifi cone weights are around 50 grams for LF units

    - The speaker is so inefficient it needs 1000 watts to produce 90dB SPl - a hifi speaker is typically 89 -91db - 1W/1m so for 1 watt in it will put out about the same acoustic power as this dog of a sub when it sucks a kilowatt.

    - Qms is 4 which means the suspension is so stiff again you need a mack truck to move it.

    So this heavy cone with stiff suspension is not going to move without some serious power it will be sluggish sound compressed and slurred and lack any detail because the detail will have come and gone before the cone overcomes its inertia.

    Fashion is such a wonderful thing people will pay stupid money for flashy crap that doesn't deliver, or is it a penis extension ?

    Two 4 ohm 180mm drivers in a sealed enclosure that replaces the arm rest would sound great. If you are into sound quality

    Um could you give it to me in english Doc

  5. My Nephew did this to my old E30 and it looks good and sounds way better than having a box in the boot, you cant even really hear it if its in the boot and everything shakes and rattles people outside can actually hear it better if place in the boot, it also saves alot of room that a box takes up as this install is a 12" sub. You just have to take it out for WOF but it only takes 5mins. Basicly you just take out the armrest and mount the sub to some board or ply and mount the wood into the space...

    Posted Image

  6. My 320i e30 is having problems starting, I have replaced all sparks, leads etc. replaced relays and fuel pump. Any ideas what I else I could look at? Its ticking over like it almost wants to start but just doesn't quite get there. Any help would be greatly appreciated!


    Fuel? :banghead:

  7. yeah i have asked for the certificate of accuracy but i havent got it back yet. What qualification do the cops need to use the equipment or is it just part of thier standard training?

    According to the police Website"Police members must be competent to use the general type of speed measuring equipment being used at the time."

    So you need to ask the question at court, how often has the officer used the said device? has he been trained to use the device? does he know how to correctly hold, aim, point the device...? and so on. Is it possible he was picking up a reading from a car going the other way, and then saw your car, you need to plant the seed of doubt about the situation and his abilities

  8. take it to court and ask when the laser was last calibrated also the officer needs to be properly trained and certified to use it otherwise this kind of sh*t happens... If it turns out he wasn't properly trained to use it, or the device has not been checked and calibrated on its annual date. You win and dont need to pay anything... On the other hand if everything checks out you need to pay the court costs plus the fine

  9. Actually after testing it a little more, it seems to rev between around 300-1000 while idling. Is there any way to check a leak in the Intake Manifold myself?

    you could check for any cracks in the rubber intake between air filter and manifold old ones get brittle and crack in the bend, also where the manifold bolts up to the block make sure the gasket is good. Basically anywhere between AFM and block where air could get in. Alternatively take it to a workshop that has a tune scope should only cost about $30 they will be able to tell you straight away

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