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Status Updates posted by lord_jagganath

  1. I'm due a long holiday!

  2. inebriated on the fumes of the oil burner in front of me. time to change the cabin filter.  

  3. it feels like this blip of private vehicle ownership in the grand scheme of humankind was a flash in the pan and will mean little to nothing in a hundred years.  we can already see a reverse in private individual property ownership world wide, and soon we will all be servile serfs to our corporate overlords. assimilate or be exterminated.  /s

  4. IT'S HERE WOOOOO Q7 Sline 3.0 TDI

  5. Just dropped $2K on a PC. can't wait to get building again.

  6. Just Had a Flat Tyre: Story of My Life. WONDERFUL! 

  7. Keep on keeping on. keep on looking.

  8. Lent a mate a grand. don't have a mate no more. #gamblingkills

  9. Looking for other opportunities. Job has become toxic.

  10. Many plans were put on ice over the past year and a half. I wish we could get back to where I ought to be. the main thing is,  I want out.

  11. My Bosses' ute got nicked last night. those Prado Landy utes are popular I guess. 

  12. MY father passed away the week before last. Still feeling rather sad. I know he would have wanted me to celebrate his ascension to the heavens but I just feel so ... worn. and fed up? I wish i could take a gap year...

    1. gjm


      I've found that after the initial sadness at such a situation, I too feel 'tired'. Try to eat well, sleep well, and get some exercise and fresh air.

  13. My time has come, I want to go home but patience must prevail. three more weeks. 

  14. need a break from work. and indeed this place in general. 

  15. oh dangit, i have an annual review coming up, probably going to getsome bollocking due to fudging around on the forum . though I did contribute to 30% of turnover...

  16. Procrastinating on USA related quotes. it is just too fiddly to get. 

  17. pundek ma cibai you talk cock oso makes me angry, diu nia sing and your privilege. diu diu diuuuuuuu

  18. Rent is going up again. This is insane. AUGH

  19. Rusty Threaded rod. Real Estate Agents. join them. 

  20. Sometimes I feel I'm the only one working in this company lmao. 

    1. gjm


      Welcome to my world!
      I have one member of staff on long-term sick leave, and she plans to  move to a new role immediately she gets back but until that is formalised, I can't recruit.
      The other member of the team is very pregnant and on leave from 6 weeks time (assuming nothing happens before). She may be out for 6 weeks, 3 months, 6 months, 12 months... And I cannot recruit to replace her. She is also very specialist in what she does, and works part time. So finding someone to fill that role - temporarily - is incredibly unlikely.
      In the meantime, the business wants more and more from the IT and IS function!

    2. lord_jagganath


      you should get paid double Graham. Hold the company to ransom. (I am trying to but I am very replaceable :LOL:) 

    3. gjm


      Paid double? I work at a council! Probably lucky to be paid at all! ;) 

      Actually - I do like my job. And I'm fortunate enough that I can make changes to the way things are done for the benefit of everyone.

  21. sooooo, there is balance in all things. the rent went up again, bringing the total increase in the last year up to 80 dollars a week. So, when can we start eating the rich and landlords? 

    1. gjm


      Not yet. Wait 'til they're fat and juicy.

  22. Thank the gods, the car can be repaired! 

    1. lord_jagganath


      I was told wrong. ?

  23. The usual sh*t, interested in a Mazda CX-7, and then the one example I may have set my heart on, has a smoky turbo. 

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