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Posts posted by Shady

  1. Was trying to save $$$ bro, until I can afford the real thing was going to try boogy stuff up to "look" like it. But all good. Will save up some $ and go buy the Smoked versions off Trademe (only one guy I can find in NZ that can get every a/m light for the E30). Not going to buy the smoked tails until next year-ish when I start going hardout in it (gotta sell my Honda Inspire to raise some funds)....I got alot to do...click my link in my Sig, you'll see my nice LONG list lol cheers :)

  2. Just wondering if anyone would know how to remove the orange Lens from the case part? I was thinking of removing the Lens so I can have a go and see if I can some how remove the orange colour & make them Clear (just give it a try, if looks gay will just buy new originals). So anybody know how I can remove the Lens from the casing? For my '88 E30 F/L.

  3. A bit late for a reply now. But check your battery connections. The small connection on my main POSTIVE connection was lose, and same happened to me. Took me & 2 mates 20mins to figure it out after one of the saw a spark. Check your battery connections next time.

  4. How do I remove the Speedo Cluster from my '88 E30? I have removed the 2 small screws in the top of the plastic that surrounds it, but I just cant get it to pop off - unless I break it! Is there any more screws to remove or am I just not pulling it in the right spot to pop some clips or something? :unsure:

    And then after removing the surround, is there anything I need to do to remove the speedo, or will it just pop out? I want to remove speedo so I can change the bulbs, so anyone know which bulbs I need eg #s or something. I want to replace them from Red to White.

  5. Eye for an Eye I say.

    Yep, agree. But in some cases it wont work. EG: "you raped my sister, Im going to rape yours". Or "you beatup my mum, I beat up yours". Dont sound right. So would have to be "you raped my sister, I ram a broomstick up your a$$". lol :P

  6. Have just removed the fan/radiator part and one of the pipes & the small canister but cant remove the pump (that has the belt) because one of the bolts for the pipes is to big for my cresent (will have to borrow a mates).

    EDIT: When I ungassed it, it only took like 10secs to empty out, so was definitely needing regassing (explains why it didnt work when I got the car & played with the buttons lol), so wasnt going to waste $$ with regassing! :)

    Now my 2nd question.

    -Once I have removed it all, how do I go about removing the wiring thats left over? I noticed there is 2 (or 3) wires coming from the canister and another 3 wires going to the fan. Do I need to pull everything off the front end & then remove all wiring except the lights? How would I go about making sure I dont remove the wrong wires? I know is not a major, but I dont want wires liying around going to nothing...I also just noticed a 2 wire connectors on both sides (under HL assemblies) that connect to nothing, will get photos tomorrow, one of you will know what they for (probably spotlights?, but my car dont have them).

    DRTDVL: thats alot of wiring! Did he weigh it all after removal? I should weigh all my junk when finished, be interesting. And with the ALLOY its going straight into my scrap pile of other crap for when the Alloy prices go up again! A good few 100 $s worth waiting when its at $1.50 a KG again - Im more than happy to wait :rolleyes:

  7. I dont know wtf is going thru peoples heads when they key others cars. Just like people smashing their door onto your car in carparks...a bit of courtosy goes a long way! On a modern car, thats just really low life to key it. A older car, is lowlife but wtf, why be jealous? Unless its pimped out?!

    If I ever saw someone keying mine or someone else, I'd sure as hell be getting done for assault lol

  8. If the rack gets stiff at one end it is more likely the rack is bent rather than teh fluid not doing ist job, which is adding hydraulic power.

    How would I check the rack for damage? Oh and I didnt mean the fluid would be doing it, just asking if it would be one of the causes. Whether it is or not, I still need to flush it...may as well just go to a workshop I guess

  9. I thought this may be Performance related, as it will be taking away weight, and also clear up room in the engine! But ADMIN/s, please feel free to move else where if its not related :)

    Anyways to my question..... <_<

    I want to completely remove my AIRCON system (in the engine bay) and just wondered if anyone has done this before or knows how? Maybe a "walk thru"? Like What and Where are all the parts located that are to be removed? Do I need to rewire anything afterwards?

    I know I need remove the Compressor/Pump (already cut the belt off when I replaced fanbelt) and need to remove the hoses going thru the engine bay. Just need to know HOW to remove the parts and what parts so I can then say, "its all gone!" Is there ahything located under the dash? For example, in my Probe when I removed the AirCon, there is a unit behind the dash, which I am not going to bother with - for now...

    Any help or information appreciated.

    Oh and reason I want to remove it, as I never use it & never will so its just taking up room and adding a whole 2kg in weight lol :rolleyes: but hey, any weight lost is good...right!? :unsure:

  10. They need to make LIFE=LIFE not 25yrs & Parole at 17! And no such thing as "crazy"...if thats the case, then every criminal can get off murder for that!

    As for small things such as- Theift, Fraud, Driving, Drugs, Vandalism, Arson, Minor Assault etc should be "HOME DETENTION" (depending how serious, minimum 3mths maximum 1year).

    And- Murder, Manslaughter, M.A.F, Major Assualt, etc should be "PRISON TIME" (minimum 3mths & manximum LIFE depending how serious).

    I reckon this would sort the REAL BAD from the MINOR. Sending someone to Jail for growing Weed and making them live with hardcore killers & gangsters, they just gonna come out worst than they were when they went in! Let the killers live with killers and the druggies locked up at Home! If I was Prime Minister (haha that will never happen) thats how I would make it. Gaurantee be a better Country with a System like this.

  11. Hmmm

    Thanks for the ideas guys. I dont know if I'd have time to do something like that.

    I think I may do the, refill it twice a day trick. Me and my mate "sort of" done that the day I got it off him. We sucked all the oil crap out, put new in, sucked it out again & put another new lot in...but nothing happened, went black again so the lines & pump must be filled with crap. Will go buy me a bulk lot of cheap fluid, and try that flush/syphon trick then once looks clean, use some nice Proper fluid...Isnt ATF = Auto Trans Fluid?

    Im sure thats why my steering is stiff also, cos the fluid just aint doing what its meant to - *

    * - my steering wheel gets stiff when I turn to the left, and I gotta pull it back, not HARD but it does have a slight "lock" to the left & it squeeks now n then. I have Bosskit & Sports S/W on. All on properly, bosskit is made for this car. Any ideas why is squeeks & keeps seazing to the left?

  12. Yep. NZ needs to "harden the f--k up!" Our Justice, is a JOKE. No other country in the world (well at leased Civilized Country) has such a stupid, useless system. The Justice system shows Justice to the Crim, and shows Disrespect to the Victim. I thought Keyes was going to revise the Law, which I guess was all s--t. Someone go shoot him! You'd be out in 7years!

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