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Everything posted by bumpstop325

  1. All will be revealed in time. Pics of the new car will be posted, if and when ownership has changed. I dont want to say yeah yeah i got this car, and the next minute i dont. Plus, any left over parts wil go to my mechanic. After that, parts will be sold by me.
  2. can you read Gus?I had a test drive of a potential monster today. At the moment its looking good. Just waiting for a 2nd opinion, which will be made tonight.
  3. my dad said the same thing. and i said 0800 plates springs to mind.
  4. If things go to plan, i might have my new surprise underway sooner than i expected. hell yeah matt, i will pitch in for gas, even. Thanks Cain for the offer, i will keep it in mind. if things are rolling on like they are. i might be sorted.
  5. Big thanks to you dude. I was going to say thanks, but as you would have been on a mission already, so i guess you couldnt hang around. I will shout you a beer. Big Thanks The car was fantastic!!! It was born again and died in the same morning. :thumbsdown: funny enough, I was just about to purchase the underbonnet nozzels, on the other thread.
  6. insurance is going through the pipeline. after doing some research we have found an clause in my policy that is in my favour. so im alittle happier. to put people at rest. a very special non f/l has been found as a suitable replacement. all will be revealled in time, as a new monster is lurking in the shadows, with a different and new kind of EVIL. when unleashed it will haunt the roads of NZ, as the first monster has done many time before. Thanks guys/girls for your support. the wreck will be bought off the insurance company by me. as i said before, NO PARTS WILL BE FOR SALE for the moment.
  7. driving along, hey, bammo, black smoke coming out of exhaust pipes. pull over, sh*t on fire. as i said earlier, just picked it up from the mechanic, out for a test run. to rub it more in, at the moment insurance isnt going to pay a cent because it is mechanical fault. my understanding of my policy was full, incl fire,theift. blah blah. Tane, can you get Prue to have a look in for me? ring you tonight dude.
  8. it just keeps getting better
  9. what is left of my 535 afm
  10. as you can, i had a fire in my engine bay this morning. I had just got my car back and took it for a test drive. it looks like the fuel relay f**ked up and away it went. used about 4 fire extinishers and the fire service to put it out. NO PARTS ARE FOR SALE. SO DONT EVEN ASK
  11. i should of been wearing my high top chucks, instead of my globes. my airline seatbelt belt will be an excellent addition to my new threads. also, those glasses were given to me. as monster garage would say, freebie....freebie........zip....zero....nahda $0.00
  12. i taxed it off my dad. doing some cleaning and hey presto, a new suit for Tim. I haevent seen him wearing it for going on 21 odd years. So it's mine now.
  13. drive up to pamly and i will do it for you. im due to do one this weekend for dan.
  14. to be honest, no. but, i really want to. I need to go to the library and get it out. I have read lord or the rings. that was the sh*t. that suit is a "pierre cardin". now people who have good knowledge in suit labels will know what it is.
  15. find a local muffler shop, run by an old dude. who has lots of knowledge!! and you will be right
  16. your on the right track!!
  17. word....mean while, earlier in the day.....
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