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Everything posted by bumpstop325

  1. Like i said before go see Steve at Sherson Auto. Where abouts in tga do you live? Tell him, Tim sent you and he will help you out. ring 5782614 (workshop) You may have the same problem as carl. alittle too rich at start up Whats your car look like?
  2. the block is Tauranga. $100 if you want it. I wont be back up there till mid november, but you can mission it up there to get it if you want.
  3. Birch Ave, dude. There's a BMW wreckers down there. Also ask Steve at Sherson Auto in Sherson Ave, Down the Cop shop end of chadwick road. And, an Mtech2 wing is worth around $200-300 in good condition. Edit: Birch Ave Auto Spares, what i was thinking about aka: BAAS
  4. i got a 325e TB if anyone wants one. It can only just fit inside the 325i TB
  5. I LOVE YOU DAMO, are you going to be home tonight?? that red eye is totally badass. O for awesome
  6. bumpstop325

    Mah new e30!

    take off the back one and stick it on the front.
  7. yeah, if i could get my hands on some. but im lazy at the moment so im not to worried. my 4th Zs mag was attacked by fire. I need to get it tested to make sure its safe for road use still. The Zs have the same rolling diameter as the bottles.
  8. i got a whole box sitting just out of te rapa opposite SD Euro
  9. holla, im with you on this one. Brewed in Holland only. Green Tab.Like mostly two types of beer, free beer and cheep beer. I drink whatever is going, Tui is my beer of choice. But not to say thats the only stuff i drink. If it tastes good i will drink it. This applies to top shelf. Grant, i have just started playing squash and im loven it. Have to have a game some time.
  10. For starters i have, an e32 OBC, 325i TB(carls),325e TB, F/L taillights and a supercharger
  11. Nah they are still for sale. I was trying to con lewis into buying them. but he is still iffy. That car is now tinted. Yeah, his looked hot with those lights on.
  12. i am finding the 3.5l very economical to run, providing im not poking it with a stick all the time. even arond town i run on cruze control when ever i can. bearing in mind its in my e30. if it was looks, i would go for the 34 but if you want to pack 4 adults across the back seat then the 32
  13. bumpstop325

    2 low for 5-0

    nice dude. you got stickered for only 85mm??? lol my two-five, was 65mm, the 2 years i had it that low. i was never asked to see my cert plate. I have had cops follow me around, while scraping my exhaust around and the sparks flying and never got pulled over for it.
  14. the book 'the dog and lemon guide' is a good read
  15. i want the 215/40 instead of the kelly 195/65.
  16. come and grap it if you want it.
  17. what carl said. 4cyl g/b's for 4 cyl engines (m10 & m40) 6cyl g/b's for 6 cyl engines (m20 & m30)
  18. i had flush mounted 6x9's in the rear shelf. an angle grinder was used to cut the holes big enough. i think that spacers are GHey. they dont look as good as flush ones. but sometimes there are trade offs. sony running gear i think isnt that much good. but on the flipside the sony head unit esp the aftermarket stuff is where its at. i find sony gear is the simplest to use, plus the setup i had, played just about any damaged cd. the buffer on them is good. it is also good to hear that pioneer is making their own amps again. i love the pioneer amp. i got 3 of them now.
  19. holla, i have the same problem.the big six is awesome for bounce.
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