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Posts posted by turboprop

  1. For gods sake !! you guys. The OP asked a reasonable request for opinions.... not all this crap

    Get back on topic please

    Hey All,

    I've been considering whether having a F/G Mould made for the Front Tech2 Valance would be worth it.

    Would anyone be interested in them if i had them made up.

    I was considering including an IS type design too?


  2. I have the W995a and its the tits.

    Its still a phone at the end of the day, where as the iPhone is like wank wank wank look at my apps.

    Hahaha, at a BBQ the other night and this dude pulls out his iphone "oi, you guys look over here at my new app I got for my iphone"

    It was a stupid lighter app, that when you shake the phone the flame moves, shake it too hard and it goes out. BORING

    Next app was a beer glass, and when you tip the phone the beer pours out, so he sticks up to his mouth and pretends to drink it. wanky as, tho he did get the synchronisation right, i wonder how long he spent in the mirror practicing it.

  3. On the GPS side of things, the iphone (16gb for me) does NOT store the maps you have downloaded from google maps, so everytime you use the gps it downloads new maps even if you have looked at that area 100 times it's a fresh download each time - which you get charged for...

    Jesus, even my old nokia 6275i i have 700mb of maps stored (whole of new zealand road maps), which I downloaded with my pc and just transferred over.

  4. this is just one experience, but mum had nothing but problems with the XT network (she's in Raetihi - just to the left of Ohakune)

    it quite often dropped phone calls and she often lost connection with the network

    she went back to Vodafone and it's been mint as

    Just depends where you are, some networks have better coverage in one area than the another does.

  5. The 4 tip plugs prevent "high speed" missfire. The front tip for reverse, the rear for forward, the L/H for R/H corners and the R/H tip for L/H corners. You have to line them up when you fit them

    Im not sure if you are been serious or taking the piss, but that sounds like bullshit to me.

  6. If you have to ask you probally arent the sort of person that can do it your self. There are no off the shelf parts I know of that you can purchase to make it just bolt in.

    You will need gearbox mounts, engine mounts, does the sump clear the subframe? Does the engine clear the brake booster?

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