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Posts posted by HSB

  1. from my experience with my guy down here (a bit far for you to come I think!) the bulk of the cost is in mixing up the colour to get that right, regardless if they are making 1L or 10L, to physically paint more surface is next to no difference in cost etc.

    I guess what that means is why bother trying it yourself, even though i do recommend DIY in most instances!

    Ethrty-Andy who is your go to guy down here?

    I'm planning for a new front bumper in the next 3 months and want to start planning (also not to keen on doing the prep work myself: read do not know what I'm doing haha)

  2. At the moment one of my rages (that hasn't already been mentioned) are the rotten swine that scoot past the traffic queue in a turning lane, then merge back into the traffic down the road.

    Mostly happens in Wellington heading towards the terrace tunnel, they'll take the Willis st lane and cut across at the lights. Dangerous, annoying and only holds up the traffic more. For some reason it usually happens in moderate traffic, so there's still good flow. They maybe only save 20 secs at best, beats me why they do it. Sheer arrogance in my opinion.

    Yesterday a white Lexus did it and I'll be damned if I didn't consider putting 1.6 tonnes of German bumper against the side of their car. That's one thing I like about the e32, bumpers that bump. Those meaty plastic shields have had a few scrapes by dullards with no concept of spatial awareness over the years. Mostly car parks or someone attempting to cut across a few lanes in traffic. Grab $2-50 cash off the offending driver, light sand, plastic paint and she's as good as new :D

    Modern bumpers are sleek but if you use them they crumple and scratch.

    i promise i do not do this my drive to work every morning...i do however sometimes do it around basin reserve on the inside lane, heading towards newtown.... :ph34r::lol:

    It's the chrismas madness out there at the moment,

    one of the hotspots and my pet peeevvve is the Mt Wellington over bridge , both sides, people going up the inside indicating then moving over holding up the flow.

    Its an old bridge, motorway goes from 3 lanes to 2 lanes over the bridge then back to 3.

    totally agree - used to drive me insane during the 5.30pm slog home... it makes waiting in either of the proper two lanes feel so un-worthwhile

    i hate the f wits who sit in the outside lane for 10 km then merge left only 100 metres before their exit forcing every car in the queue to brake a bit....this ripple nearly stops the traffic 20 cars back

    this. so much this.

    harbour bridge,

    elaboration :P

    christmas advice. please. just. pick. a. lane.

  3. Ive done plastidip on everything from wheels grills window trim to a whole car with 10 cans.

    Leaving about an inch gap then peeling off the excess works well for most things. Especially things like the number badges for example.

    For window trim i would mask with 1inch excess then peel off otherwise u might peel off the plastidip on the trim while removing the masking tape.

    If u need advice feel free to ask.

    And yes, it may be cheap and sometimes not as good as paint or replacing the part but its 100% reversible (key merit imo) and did i mention its cheap?

    Looks alright if you spray well and put on enough layers. Like 5+ coats usually.

    Qube I just went to PM you re plastidip-ing and it says you can't receive anymore....ghost?! Hahaha

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  4. today was one of those days... things that make you go <_<:ph34r: as you are minding your own business travelling from A to B.

    mine for today: a little silver honda jazz (LSHJ) making a simple turn across 2 lanes of oncoming traffic into a gas station forecourt. with HSB hurtling toward them at a blazing 35km/h LSHJ decides to turn in. all going fine until LSHJ sees HSB. and STOPS. 2/3 already in HSB's lane. stationary. and waits.


    any one else have experiences such as this gem on a day to day basis like me?


    (also don't know how i got to speaking third person but indulge me)

  5. Mini has been my personal favourite though, massive fun to drive and something you can push to the limit around town.

    thinking of selling my beema for a mini next year, any thing to look out for when buying?

    also there is a post somewhere on the forum where the aucklanders are beefing with the wellingtonians. ill leave you to find it :lol::P welcome

  6. Ive done plastidip on everything from wheels grills window trim to a whole car with 10 cans.

    Leaving about an inch gap then peeling off the excess works well for most things. Especially things like the number badges for example.

    For window trim i would mask with 1inch excess then peel off otherwise u might peel off the plastidip on the trim while removing the masking tape.

    If u need advice feel free to ask.

    And yes, it may be cheap and sometimes not as good as paint or replacing the part but its 100% reversible (key merit imo) and did i mention its cheap?

    Looks alright if you spray well and put on enough layers. Like 5+ coats usually.

    ahh merci qube - i'll take you up on that offer and msg you once i've got the stuff.

    i too like the fact that its reversible - before asking on here I was certain i'd have to spray-paint it which i saw going terribly ^_^

  7. It had bad parents (to say the least, leave it at that)

    well......shorty street. :lol:

    anyway! I think the options for you are plastidip, Spraypainters, shadowline tape/vinyl, and i think genuine shadowline trim. I'm not sure how well plastidip goes with oxidized things but if there's no answer online it wont hurt the pocket too much to do a small test.

    did a little research, the oxidiation should have little to no effect so i'm gonna have a go at this: http://www.dipyourcar.com/Emblems/Window-Trim/Grille-Kits/ project time

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  8. churr for all the responses, appreciate it. i wanted to be able to say "a general consensus is" but you all seem pretty torn between genuine v plasti-dip for grill. because the genuine opt is only $80ish (and not fiddly) i'll get one of those.

    however jury is still in deliberation on the window trims.

    sure enough I youtubed "plastidip on" and it autofilled window trim for me.


    has any one tried this technique? it fascinates me that you would leave a considerable gap and then 'peel' it off your paint. my natural thought would be to tape it up right tight to the window.


    also this one.... haha bmw ay. :ph34r:

  9. I definitely do not have orange bits on my lights!!(gross).

    Yip I really do not want it to look thuggish that's what I've been told I'm heading towards....These are the wheels I have, but they are set on black (so a little bit different to this picture).

    Posted Image

    I like the idea of plastic dip and being able to take off the black - who do I go to for this?

    What about the window rims - anyone got tips for this - is it a long process? Or can a panel + paint shop sort it for me?

  10. Hi!

    Am after some advice as to two changes I want to make on my '06 323i...

    That advice is - should I do the following changes? and if so, is it simple enough to do myself (or who in WGTN should I trouble)?

    Have ripped all these photos off the net but yeah appreciate more clued up peoples advice please :D

    1. My grill - thinking about going from silver to matte black. Y/N ?


    2. Window rims (are oxidised on one side) - am coveting the all black sleek look... is this as simple as I'm making it in my mind?


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