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Posts posted by HSB


    Dude, you need only come for a drive with a guy I co-drive a rally car with, he can do a P&G, a Double Down, chips and two pieces of chicken in a manual Hilux whilst towing a rally car and not raise a sweat...  I swear that's more impressive than actually driving the rally car.

    guess what my first thought was haha Posted Image

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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  2. bump this thread.

    my left hand halo ring is out and ive been scouring the interwebs on ways to do this myself.

    apparently you have to go up through the wheel well on the sedan ...is it worth persevering and diy or just go to a shop?

    p.s i live in Brooklyn if anyone is close and can give me hands-on advices.....ill buy you kfc haha

  3. Youshop is sh*t. Overpriced, Slow, doesn't consolidate items.

    E.g. The mrs ordered some small items in the states from Amazon. 3 items sent and 1 was on back order and got sent on its own. A $5 nail polish.

    Because they don't consolidate they wanted $15 to send a tiny extremely light box with a nail polish in it. In the end it cost more in shipping due to Youshops extreme prices than the items cost total. And it took 2 weeks to get them here. They got to keep the nail polish.

    any way to sneak around this then? amazon won't ship electronics to NZ and I want to put an order in


    Richard @ Bruce Thompson Motorbodies (he is the owner, must have changed hands at some point and didnt bother to update the name)

    Round here in Seaview


    You can mention I sent you if you want, Andy from IT Recycla.

    Yeah that would be epic - thanks Andy. Will be in the first few months of 2015 just need to speak to someone in the know before I go order off the net left, right and centre

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  5. I don't want to sell this I want to give it away if anyone wants it. I found it in all my unmoved crap still at my parents house in Auckland.

    It's from my old 318ti compact.

    Can send it anywhere or bring it back to Welly.

    Posted ImagePosted ImagePosted Image

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

  6. Weekend just been? Nah I'm in Brooklyn,. Definitely would have been targeted or someone had a reason to come by here. Wheels were stupidly outside though, my fault. E30 safely locked in the garage.

    yup this weekend just been.

    I think saying its your fault is a stretch tho!! you inform the 5-0 ? might be a group doing the rounds on the 'burbs and I seen a fair few nice euros on my street in Newtown.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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