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Posts posted by Olaf

  1. It was this sticker( seriously, this sticker^) that saved a few of us from missing the rest of the bimmersport crowd on the weekend.

    Left my ph at home so missed the txt saying the meeting place had changed..

    Saw a tidy E30 with a Bimmersport sticker(see above) and knocked on his window. He was kind enough to tell me of the change of

    plans. If it wasn't for the sticker I might have just let him drive off without asking. Cheers Andrew for winding down your window.

    adding my name to the list of wanters..lol

    Sorry Dave. I'll get a phone list for text comms for next meet I organise.

    LIke a mechanic's car, electrician's house.... this was a project manager's day off and lacked in the organisation dept. <blush>

  2. can you bring your 855 next time please Olaf? maybe to a euro meet instead of a BMW meet.....

    you may know i have a soft spot for quick Volvo wagons

    well, I could do. not so sure about the Uro crowd though. it's on H&R Sportsprings, so whilst it's still FWD and all, it's reasonably composed. If only I hadn't gone for those Yokohamas last time...

    I'd be tempted to sell it for a really tidy 00 or 01 740i, I reckon.

    • Like 2

  3. So i had a radiator re-cored for the e21 about 15 years ago, been in storage since, i install it this morning and it @#$/^& leaks! Why cant sh1t just last forever!!!

    you can be happy that (undoubtedly) the re-core shop you used at the turn of the millennium is no longer in business.

  4. don't get me started on cat deletes; catalytic converters are the good things that convert the carcinoegenic output of our modern unleaded fuel into 'safe' polutants.

    deleting them from the emissions controls systems certainly gives a quick power gain. it's the low-brow approach; take the road less travelled! For something we drive daily, adding uncontrolled emissions of carcinogens into the atmosphere that our families/friends/colleagues/countrymen breath is questionable.

    Race cars - sure, go ahead.


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  5. I used Car Inspection Services in CHC ten years ago; paid them good money, bought car on strength of their positive report, and spent the next three years fixing sh*t that they didn't report and was aparrent as soon as I got the car to Wellington. Don't waste your money with those turkeys.

  6. Possums................... trapped 12 in 14 days. The trouble is...no one else around me does it as well... the native hawks luv me though

    you skinning them as well, Glenn? 'be a waste not to.

    A bloke I knew years ago started walking his boundaries every evening and every morning with a .22 with moderator and subs**, dispatching possums, rabbits, general pests. His pasture improved well beyond that of his neighbours, and his livestock condition improved to give him better prices at auction.

    ** don't try this in a residential area, readers!

  7. True story, coming from an IT company it is much of the same, driving for new business and no focus on the actual delivery until it is put into the spotlight.

    1. hunting vs farming.

    2. never confuse sales with delivery.

    The good news was they turned up Tuesday and fixed it quickly - 'loose connection at pole'. I wonder if it was like the old days with copper pairs - new install nicked yer pair. blammo, dis. Anyway, our offspring are delighted they have internet again.

    I always read books. I'm reading Wishart's latest book about the Olivia Hope/Ben Smart disappearances. It's not a thrilling read like Lawyers Guns and Money or the Paradise Conspiracy, but it certainly is interesting. I'm half way through and already I am convinced that although the conviction may be unsound, they certainly have the right guy in prison.

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