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BMW Owner

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About BMW Owner

  • Rank
    1st Gear

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    2005 BMW X5
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  • Car 2
    2013 BMW X3

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    All things motoring

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  1. Many thanks for the reply’s. As Dr Google wasn’t all that helpful, it looks as if coding is the answer. Cheers
  2. Many thanks. I’ll try Mr Google and see what I come up with. Cheers.
  3. Hi, I have a 2005 BMW X5 and was wondering if there is a quick re programming solution for turning off the "Accept" option on the screen, so that I don't have to manually push it every time I start the car.
  4. Finally managed to get my key fob remote sorted. I was fortunate in finding a garage that understands the working of bmw's and It turns out that my 2nd key fob hadn't been re programmed from Japanese to English. This has now been done and both key fobs are now working correctly.
  5. Agree with you. From what I've read it's definitely not a valet key. I can programme the seat and door mirrors with this remote but as stated, can only get very minimal info from the idrive. Interestingly enough, I can set these seat and mirror changes into the seat memory. My problem is how to re sync the fob so I can access the full info on the idrive.
  6. I've tried the local BMW agent and they weren't very interested or helpful. I've managed to download a manual for the 335 which is for the American market but unfortunately even thought I've read it from cover to cover it didn't t shed any light on this particular problem, but overall was very informative of all the ins and out of the Bimmer.
  7. If your correct and it is a valet key then how do I re code it?
  8. Unfortunately not. It's the same fob for both of them. They both have the physical key incorporated in the fob.
  9. Hi. By limited info on the idrive I mean that after I press on the "communication" tab for example all the sub screens after that are blanked out or have very limited access. This happens with all of the four tabs when I open them from the main menu . When I use my other fob every detail to access the idrive, every option is available. I've attached a photo of the screen hopefully showing what I'm talking about with regards to the lack of information.
  10. I have an imported 2008 Series 3, BMW 335i with two remotes. The first remote works perfectly and does everything it's supposed to do. My 2nd remote will lock/unlock and start the car however it will only allow very limited access to the idrive. I've removed the battery from the fob and it check out OK. So I replaced it and tried the fob again, but with no luck as it still wouldn't access the same information on the idrive as my other fob does. Does anyone know how to re programme these fobs or offer any help?
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