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About bmwerks

  • Rank
    1st Gear

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    2002 330D sedan
  • Mods List
    Lowered, Wheels
  • Car 2
    Bmw k100 Cafe
  • Car 3
    BMW k75 tracker

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1939 profile views
  1. Hi All Does anyone know if a e46 318i GM auto gearbox internals are different to a e46 330D GM auto gearbox? I am contemplating a solution to a stuffed gearbox - one of which is swapping the bellhousing of a more readily available 318i gearbox. TIA
  2. Legends - thanks guys ill have a look.
  3. Hey Guys Long story short, auto trans will go into "Drive" successfully for 20 meters or so and then there is nothing (essentially as if it is was in neutral), no matter how much gas you give. Some forums suggest torque converter as I understand the GM boxes are kinda trash. Is it worth getting diagnostics done first? - I'm assuming this is a gearbox out job. I really love the car and plan to keep it for a long time if possible. The car is otherwise in pretty great condition so may consider a manual swap for longevity. Anyone know how much realistically this would cost? TIA
  4. bmwerks

    WTB E36

    I am actively looking for a manual E36, can travel anywhere in the country to view/purchase. Thanks
  5. Hello Given that e30 verts are either impossible to find or out of my price range i am extending my search to E36 vert's as well. So if anyone has/knows of a manual e36 convertible, give me a bell. Cheers
  6. Hi all I am looking for a convertible E30. Pref Manual, although anything considered. PM me if you know/have something for sale. Cheers
  7. its a coupe. ill send some pics and any thoughts would be great
  8. Hi all Not sure if this is right place to post.. But how much rust is too much rust ? Just seen a seaside e36 and it looks as though there is a fair bit of orange rust behind diff (between diff and driveshaft side) also in pillar by windscreen. I will take some photos when I next go for a view. Cheers
  9. Cheers guys, going to have a gander at one today. Will update if i buy. ALSO, M3AN, how much for seats ? any pics? thanks
  10. Hi all I am looking to start a E36 project. I have sold all BMW related cars (I still have BMW motorbikes) and i am missing having a car. Pref i would like a 2.5-2.8l, not silver, don't care if its auto or man (i will convert at a later date). thanks.
  11. bmwerks

    E34 540i 1993

    No offence at all mate thanks for the clear up.
  12. bmwerks

    E34 540i 1993

    Cheers for clearing that up fullas.
  13. bmwerks

    E34 540i 1993

    Got a new bike. Broke af now. Anyone close to 4k gets a free e30 lol
  14. bmwerks

    E34 540i 1993

    Haha yeah the m5 wheels seem few and far between. This are reps yet look sweet
  15. bmwerks

    E34 540i 1993

    Selling my 1993 e34 540i. Got a new Warrent early last month where some bushings needed to be replaced. Has two issues I from what I can tell. Small leak in brake fluid resivoir maybe and O ring and.a.ticking noise.from front left wheel. Sdoesn't affect driving Has paint fade at the back and the fuel flap is broken but still works(ish) Has done 290k ish I'll double check. $3k
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