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About Yusuf

  • Rank
    1st Gear

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  • Name
    Yusuf Mahomed
  • Location
  • Car
    BMW 728i E38
  • Car 2
    VW Touran 2.0FSI
  • Car 3
    Audi A3 1.8T 8L

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  1. http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.aspx?id=1214116273 Cloth interior is a disappointment...and the price tag! I wonder what maintenance this got over the past 20 years...
  2. Looking for 2 Bmw space savers. Condition doesn't matter as long as it hold air. Just need to get a wreck onto zebra truck. Thanks
  3. Have you got a price on those Style 95 wheels yet?
  4. None taken. I am not a wrecker nor a mechanic. I bought the car with the intention of taking off the bits that I need, and had no intention of touching the suspension. I only really considered it because someone had enquired. I have since declined to strip the suspension. I would say that I have limited mechanical ability, and it is up to the buyers, off course, to judge the condition of the parts. In most cases I have asked that they removed the parts themselves. Thanks for the responses so far.
  5. Thanks guys. Good tips right there. I was also wondering: someone asked me for a price on all 4 struts. I am worried that if I pull the struts off, the wheels will bottom out, making the car immovable. Is that right, or would the car sill be movable, albeit dodgy as and dangerous to tow?
  6. Hiya guys I currently have an extra e38 that I am pulling some parts off. I want to retain the wheels that are on it, and I am looking at options to keep the car movable. I have a long narrow driveway, with the car parked at the end of it. Once I get the valuable bits off, I would need a metal man or wrecker to take the body away, without bringing a truck into the driveway. So, leaving it on stands or blocks isn't an option. I hoped I could leave it on some space savers, but not really sure what limitations I might have. Firstly, although the car has no engine in it, I wonder if the weight of an e38 is just too much for the space savers to bear. I obviously don't want to pop the space saver tyres, especially when loading it onto a truck/trailer. Secondly, the space savers might catch on the suspension or brakes, as I will likely only be able to find space savers off a 3 series at Pick-A-Part. Thoughts/ideas please? Thanks in advance! Yusuf
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