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Posts posted by DrphTa

  1. May be a dumb question... anyhow. I have a rear spolier on my e36 coupe. Its not m3 or anything and wouldnt be able to tell you what it is either. I wanted to remove it but would like to know whats the best way to go about this. The wing itself is simply stuck on (from what i can see) a double sided adhesive strip. the wing also has led brake lights in it. similar to the m3 wing

    any advice would be appreciated

    Thanks in advance

  2. Mag&Turbo Manukau can get them. I won’t tell you the price but let’s just say you’d be rolling round on wheels that would cost more than your car :(

    Really ? that bad eh. BBS rims are already pricey, I guess you can expect the mark up in NZ to. <_<

    We can also get all those wheels, but as Apex stated BBS are very very expensive through the NZ agents

    Awesome! Do you have a catalogue or a place where I could view your selection Zenetti?



  3. Whats the deal with exporting a car these days? ie if you are planning on moving country and would like to take your vehicle with you. Do you have to own the vehicle for a certain period of time?

    I have heard that you may have to own the car for 12 months before you can export? just a rumour?

    thanks in advance


  4. sorry it does get confusing haha. what i meant was im not selling it. but money does make a man sell his most priced possessions. Therefore im not intending to but would if the right dollar was under my nose.

    everyone have a bad day at work or something? lol

  5. but when you criticise the "$17,500 ono" price of the car at the start of this thread you are being hypocritical, because you've whinged in your own for sale thread (and now this one) about people lowballing you.

    personally i wasnt bitching. just saying i dont believe my car is worth 6k. sure i can be a forum hoe like some people and sit back and judge from pictures to. come look at it and feel free to tell me what its worth i more than welcome you to. you to crockett.

  6. One thing really confuses me. Why advertise on here then pay $50 to load it on TradMe, and then relist it the 5x it doesn't get ear the reserve?

    To see what's worth?


    because if the top dollar was offered i would take it. and it has been relisted because i dont have to pay extra to keep it listed.

  7. Far out! You would be mad not taking the $12,000 "offer". You could buy yourself a nice 328i for $6k and bank the other half.

    But, why list something when you don't intend to sell it? Is it like those boy racers that have a big FOR SALE sticker on their back window, but with no intention of selling (the real reason being to get hot biactchez to text them for a ride in their pimp machine).

    Why would i want a 328i when i have a 325i with equal power and its just as nice? if not nicer. if i wanted hot bitches mate i would take the springs out and put my number on it like you say but im not. anyway this thread was simply about "in my opinion" a car priced to high. didnt mock or judge it in any other way.

    you think this car is well priced? and you think mine should sell for what 6k?

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