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Posts posted by E36ShoppingTrolley

  1. I must be very ignorant and naive because, yes I am, because I really fail to see how drinking is a problem, it looks to e the straight and boring people who have the problems.

    i think its the violence thats the main problem. i swear every other week theres some kid stabbing another. happened to a kid at my school in 2007. party out of control, some idiot stabbed and killed him in one go. died on scene. the guy got away with minimum 10 years. Link to nzherald . just because it hasnt happened to somebody you know , doesnt mean it doesnt happen.

  2. for example. cody's colts(bourban and cola) are a popular drink. one 250ml can(equivalent to a small can of v) contains two standard drinks. drink 6 of those small cans and it is the equivalent to 12 standard drinks, and teenagers drink its like it is the sweet cola it tastes like. that amount of alcohol, coupled with the small space of time that they are consumed in, leads to problems.

  3. I think more could have been done, but it is a definite first step!

    When the drinking age was 20 you were still having 17/18 year olds accessing alcohol but the 12-15 range was very very low as opposed to now when that range are able too access it more readily.

    Being a 17 year old you are obviously not going to be happy with any law changes surrounding alcohol.

    imo the biggest mistake was lowering the drinking age in the first place

    I agree the law change doesnt benefit me, but i dont binge drink or cause harm. i pose less risk than somebody overage who does drink to excess and cause damage. the law change may not benefit me but i can comment on my opinion on whether it will work or not and its only a small step, and will not change alot. the government has to walk the fine line of preventing alcohol harm, and preserving people's rights to enjoy alcohol sensibly.

  4. well im 17 and no it wont stop me or anyone else, it would be impossible to stop underage teens accesing alcohol. but i agree with some of the governments ideas to reduce the harm. i think the best think they could do to reduce harm from alchohol would be to illegalize rtds.

  5. Have found quite a few annoying repairs on cars that I have owned over the years, none so far on either of the BMWs though - both from good homes!

    Worst one had to be the previous owner of my Triumph Spitfire who had carried out some chassis repairs with a coke can, some bog and lots of underseal. When this inevitably failed it provided some very interesting three-wheel steering suspension movement, it also caused the passenger door to open on sharp right hand bends, causing some very worried looks on un-suspecting passenger.

    Most of the rest are no worse than some of the things I have done to cars when I know i am going to flick them off soon <_<

    No way! my old man had a triumph spitfire and the passenger door used to open on sharp right hand bends! was it yellow??

  6. well my car got towed last night from town, by auckland towers, and i went to pick it up and was horrified to find the whole rear muffler had been removed/come off. i took photos and everything, but the bastards still made me pay $250 bucks to get my car back! i filed a complaint but the owner was arrogant, and i dont know how much good that will do. do i have any rights / anything i can do?

    Any help/advice would be appreciated.


  7. i would be surprised if you got 300hp out of a 1.8l 4 clyinder m42(even if you stroke it), but hey you never know! why not go the m10 turbo route? as im quite sure m42 and m10 mounts are different

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