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Posts posted by Twistee

  1. Added another coat last night, finished it off with a wool pad. It's sooo clean, I just can't handle the thought of driving it in the rain - spring time in Auckland is just great. Mind you with level 3 point something lockdown I have got no where to go anyway.





    I also ignored the CMX polish instructions and tried to apply it with a wet applicator pad before completely writing it off, it worked significantly better. So anywhere that I had small blemishes I touched up with the polish before using the ceramic (ish) coating. 

    Polishing aside, I thought I would include an image of the danger sticker on my (baby) drill press that always makes me smile - health and safety first :D 



    Back to the coating - I think the additional application has made a difference to the depth of the gloss. I need to buy some touch up paint for the rear of the wheel arches that have a bit of road rash, if anyone has any suggestions other than the obvious go to BMW please let me know.





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  2. As a follow-up, I detailed the wife's SUV today and thought I would try the CMX ceramic trim restorer on the exterior black. Less than impressed, end result was a dull black finish and not at all what I expected. Save your coin and use the tried and tested back to black if you are using the Mother's range. So pretty hit and miss with the CMX line up, the polish is average at best, the ceramic spray so far seems pretty reasonable, and the CMX trim restorer is an expensive disappointment. On the plus side another car is clean, it kept my daughter and I occupied for most of the day - yay lock down school holidays😁

    I am continuing to apply follow-up layers of the cmx ceramic to the wagon each night as recommended in the instructions, I'll report back occasionally in this thread on the results over the next month or two of wear. 

  3. Spent the evening avoiding the world and used the Mothers CMX on the wagon. No before shots - it was shiny but not as deep as the final result. I started with the CMX polish - useless. It went on like toothpaste and getting it off even on a small area took a stupid amount of time. I decided to go straight to the CMX ceramic coating as the current paintwork is in good condition. I put on a Collecting Cars podcast and spent about an hour applying and buffing off the coating with a microfibre cloth, probably the easiest coating I have ever used. 










    So in my opinion it was money well spent.



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  4. On 9/16/2021 at 8:57 AM, aja540i said:

    get a Leaf! ;)

    I would, it ticks all the boxes of a drop kid at school, go to shop and it has enough room for a pallet of Monster energy drink - definitely must have better cup holders than the M5, seriously anyone that complains about SMG needs a reality check, the worlds greatest after thought drinks holders (ignoring the M6) top the list of dumb things in an E60/61interior :D Sadly though they are electric and hip so anything half good is creeping up in price and well beyond what I want to spend for a car that will do a max of 2km of a travel a day.

    On 9/16/2021 at 8:18 AM, Driftit said:

    I like that wagon, I totally need another wagon in my life. Jokes aside it looks very nice. 

    1 hour ago, Ghost Chip said:

    SA import but nonetheless still a great buy

    Also agree, nice car. If I had to pick one for a daily shopping trolley dad mobile I'd probably pick the silver wagon. I'll see if it's still around post lockdown. 

  5. 44 minutes ago, GorGasm said:

    I have Fireball Hydrophobic Snow Foam.  It's OK, I certainly wouldn't rave about it.  I actually think Meguiars NXT wash leaves a better finish.

    I'm sure there's better stuff than Meguiars, but I am "lazy" and on a budget.

    100% on board with this, I like the idea of the Meguiars and the ease of use of that sort of product. And right now I'm just looking to eat up some store credit, so anything outside Supercheap which I have no doubt is better will have to be for another day. I think I'll start with the easiest approach and if that doesn't give the results I'm after then I'll start heading into the more pro polish and sealants. 

    Thanks to everyone for chiming in with some constructive advice here, I'm sure others will benefit as well. Unfortunately this is all just a hurry up and wait exercise and I can't buy anything, apparently car polish and cleaners are not essential items, although I could argue a good case against that.

  6. Does anyone have any experience with the Mothers range of ceramic coatings? I was looking at ordering some as I have a healthy store credit at Supercheap after they goofed the last order I placed, open to other recommendations. I don't have a preference in product range, I figure eventually level 4 will end and I can order something. While the paint is in good condition it would be great to get a ceramic on.



  7. Things are out of control since lockdown, drove past my daughter's school on the way to the grocery shop today only to find the remains of countless tyres and a torn up intersection. It's just nuts that had KillerX actually belted some P fueled thief he would be in the wrong and be dragged through the courts. CCTV for the win.

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  8. If the mk8 has those non tactile buttons for everything then it would be a no deal for me personally. But I do love the GTi range, having had no issues with my wife's MK6 for the three years and 80,000kms until we traded it on the new family wagon. It's a hard choice, made easier when you look at the nose of the bmw though.....

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  9. 6 hours ago, qube said:

    All I can say is good on you for doing what's right but also be careful because goods, things etc can be replaced but your (and other's) safety is also important. It is a real shame that there is no solid way to report these things and bring to the attention of the police.


    5 hours ago, leichtbau said:

    Put up large signs saying that there’s camera surveillance and some dummy cameras. 

    Thanks, already have a "CCTV in operation" sign and two cameras at the top of the driveway gate.

    5 hours ago, KwS said:

    Have rung 105 a couple of times, had no wait times and they have been very helpful. Guess thats just what happens when you dont live in Dorkland?

    I think at the moment 105 is getting a hammering so there are delays. The last time I called 105 I felt very much like I was calling a offshore call centre, it was also just after they had launched 105 and I'm sure that it's better now. With any luck I won't need to call and the cops will take care of this via the online report I filed. 

    5 hours ago, Jun said:

    Better yet put up a real camera.  These days the cameras are very capable (image recognition) and cheap for its price.  Probably about a decade ago I would setup my own server, camera, etc.  I am a bit older and I have deemed this to be low priority.  My wife has been bugging me about it for years, we live on a relatively quiet cul de sac too.  Everyone knows everybody, however things are getting been not so good for past few years.  1 of our neighbors was burglarized.... during the 1st lockdown last year some weirdo went to our property and my son confronted him. Gladly one of our neighbors suspected something wasn't right and was able to take the photo of person and car.

    Anyway this is a sample clip of the recently released Nest Camera (battery) https://store.google.com/nz/product/nest_cam_battery?hl=en-GB

    The image quality is ok, not the best but it's ability to sift through what is important and noise is very good and useful.  Local AI image processing is super fast.  Putting this up for a few hours and I will take it down (please don't share the link).  Just to convince a few of you that spending a few $ and probably just 15 mins to install it is sure worth it.  I have procrastinated on this, but I think best do it now while in lockdown.  You can also see how crappy the SMG on low speed :D

    [edit: link removed]


    Thanks, I have a pile of cameras that I installed all over the property. Mainly as I used to travel overseas (those days a gone....) regularly for work and wanted some peace of mind. But I will be installing another camera at the gate that covers the road. And before anyone gets all offended by the idea of CCTV covering the road in front of my house, I spoke with the local cops about a year ago after someone decided to repeatedly over a few nights do burnouts up our street - first thing they asked was "do you or any of your neighbors have CCTV aimed at the road"? I asked them about the legality of that and was basically told that unless one of my neighbors complains about it then the cops are totally onboard with it. A minor pandemic and life got in the way of me installing the camera that I bought specifically for that job. 

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  10. So to add to this story a little, half an hour ago - 11:30pm I went to get the mail and put the M5 away (long enough driveway and I'm lazy). I got to the top of the drive and here is a random red sh1tbox o' doom parked in the shadows with some young guy, hoody covering his face, trying to look like there is nothing out of the ordinary. To put it in perspective I live down a small cul de sac, no one parks on the street because all the houses have long driveways and off street parking. So it's pretty obvious when a random car is parking behind a giant hedge row that something is off. Ignoring Level 4 stay at home for a minute I decided to head out and do a lap around the block and come back, sure enough on my return here is a second car parked up next to the red POS. So I stop to find out WTF they are doing, the illegally tinted car just ignores me, so I do the one thing that people who are trying to hide their activity hate, I stood on the horn until lights from surrounding houses started to turn on. Immediately someone dives out of the POS, and from a distance tries to convince me that he lives here. Sure...... you may live somewhere but it's not outside my neighbors house at 11:30pm on a Friday night. I give him a some basic riot act verbals and say I've called the cops - what a shock Mr "I live here" guns it followed by his what I can only describe as a customer coming to collect his score out of the street. 

    I head home, decide that I'll do the right thing and see exactly how I can report this - the obvious way is via the you have been a naughty boy / girl Covid site run by the cops. Or I could call 105 and sit on the line for an hour - then get hung up on. Or I can just wait till the morning and call the local plod station, I decided I'll sleep on it and call the plod in the morning, but then I note that all the local station direct dial numbers are now gone from the Police website. So I can't deal directly with the community constable even if I wanted, and I don't fancy calling 105 and waiting forever.

    I feel bad for the cops, on one hand they got a raw deal on recruitment thanks to the latest govt, so they are pretty light on the ground and arguably have better things to do than deal with some kids being a nuisance - especially when they are sooo busy patrolling Warehouse carparks and pulling me over for doing shopping with my daughter. (*new comers read the start of this post) 

    I feel a bit let down that the basic ability for someone to report non life threatening potential crime (regardless of covid breaches) seems to be reduced to filling out a form on a website that will be dealt with months after the event if at all. I live in a quiet area, like most people on this forum I value the safety of my family and friends - which includes my neighbors. So when a strange car is seen parked up multiple times in a single week in our little dead end street, with other cars coming and going - during lockdown - alarm bells on some level do go off and I would like something done. And I can't help feeling that I would have more luck attracting the attention of the local cops if I was driving the farm hack with no rego and wof, then trying to get them to deal with BS where some pot head is using our street as his new collection spot. 


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