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About larry26

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  1. If he can sell it for that then all power to him. I've seen a couple of others on TradeMe that wouldn't even sell for $5500.
  2. The car has been sold to an appreciative member.
  3. Well if it doesn't sell before your Swift sells do you want me to reach out to you?
  4. I have posted a few times about problems with this car's immobiliser but it's all fixed now and everything is back to factory normal. As described I now want to sell this car. It's a 1994 540i E34 with about 80K on the clock. Imported from HK. Excellent condition for its age with only a few scratches on the body work and bumper that are not that obvious. Paint work is in excellent condition. Will also throw in a pair of brand new Bilstein front shocks that I ordered in error from FCP Euro (I actually needed rear shocks but I misheard the mechanic when he told me what shocks to get :- ( ). They are these https://www.fcpeuro.com/products/bmw-strut-insert-e34-touring-pne3119bg I posted my VIN a while ago and somebody looked it up and retrieved all the details which I am attaching to the posting. The car came with an after-market Alpine and Pioneer stereo system (tape deck!) which I have since replaced with new power amp and Pioneer DVD player (single DIN but it slides into the dash and slides out and pops up when powered on) which I use primarily for its reversing camera. It also has bluetooth for handsfree calling. Car located in Wellington but if for say Auckland people interested, if you are serious I am prepared to meet you half way, say Taupo. I will send over any photos or documentation I have for those who cannot view the car locally.
  5. It's the blue one. The colour you have to pay extra for but worth it. So far because of the beemer being in the driveway and because of room to back it out, it only has 130km on the clock at the moment 🙂
  6. Just to close the loop herel. I finally got hold of Prahmod and while he said he was pretty busy he put me onto a guy called Aaron at https://a1-auto-tech.business.site/?utm_source=gmb&utm_medium=referral Apparently Pramod and he work together -- Pramod does the stuff like download firmware, flash ROMs and Aaron does the actual work. Anyway to cut a long story short Aaron managed to replace the module, get the immobiliser going and program the key. If I had known about his service I would have had my car towed to his workshop in the first instance. So the car is back to its normal state now. And now for sale 🙂
  7. Hopefully he will see this posting or somebody who has his persona details will alert him. Seems strange that a forum software would have limited maiboxes.
  8. Hi Paul If I haven't replied before let me take some more photos and send them. Regards Laurence
  9. Sorry for this unorthodox posting but in another post I relayed the issues I am having with the immobiliser on my 540i E34. To cut a long story short here the posting I made But I cannot PM Promo (message rejected) and another forum member who has been on the forums longer also could not. So hopefully Promo will see this and is kind enough to reach out via PM. Note I am happy to pay a reasonable cost for word done/parts.
  10. Eschewed the tradein and just paid cash for the car. Loaded with tech and no printed owner's manual, only a 200 page PDF availabe online. So far only a couple of short drives as we come to terms with all the beeps it issues, display options etc. But enjoyable so far and with 0-100kmh in 7.2 s probably would give my 540i a run for its money.
  11. Yes that is what I had seen on the forum and his reply. But when I try to PM him it's rejected so I must be too new to the forum for PM's I guess
  12. Thanks. I also don't do FB but I might list it here once I can work out how to get the immoboliser going so finding somebody who knows how to do that - happy to pay of course.
  13. Thanks. I only have the mechanic's opinion that it's faulty since the only way they could get the car to start was to remove it. I guess they did not know how to pair a new key. If that is the case how hard is it to pair a new key when the owner method of aiming the key at the rear vision mirror and so on doesn't work since that requires the car be opened with the remote. Is that something you can do if I get the module put back (but then I won't be able to drive the car I guess) I didn't know the module was buried behind the cluster - that might explain why they charged me so much labour 😞 @promo any chance of making direct contact with me? That would be good, thanks
  14. I have the auto dip side mirror and I think auto dim rear mirror (well there is a switch on the rear mirror but not sure what it does when I press it).
  15. I think that was sort of done. They removed this module and the car can drive. But in doing it they also broke the OBC since from I have been told the OBC is powered from the immobiliser module and to get the OBC to work it shouild be possible to connect the power directly to it from the cable that went to the immobiliser. But I don't think the immobiliser is broken - it just needs to be programmed to the key or something like that. This is what they removed https://www.realoem.com/bmw/enUS/showparts?id=HE61-EUR---E34-BMW-540i&diagId=65_1000#65758355139 If it is really broken I saw this on Ebay https://www.ebay.com/itm/283504956363 Just not sure if it has to be programmed to the car
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