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Posts posted by ED1RTY

  1. I love Luke how you are doing everything so well. Everything to the highest quality possible.

    So many people skip out on the important bits like brakes and suspension.

    An example of late is Scott 'IPLEZR' i'd say the main reason he wrote that thing off was because he concentrated so much on power and left the important stuff till it was to late. Now he is left with a mangled wreck.

    Good on you Luke..

    That car is a credit to you

  2. We are doing a software update that will hopefully sort this. The problem is humans are signing up these bots so are getting around current protection methods.

    OMG the godfather speaks!!

    P.S Pimp sig pic Sir Boost Junky :)

    Oh yea...


  3. Im qualified in that industry..

    All there is to go on for your 'talent' is your sig pic.. Which is not very 'arty' as such..

    Some examples of your work would not be astray just to give people an idea of your style.

    Just thinking it might fetch some interest. You wont go far in the industry unless you can sell yourself via your work.

    Just a suggestion.




    Im sure others in the industry like Ollie, Andrew, Shelley could agree?

  4. I have the Saph with Clic (underwritten by AMI) Its insured for 35k including replacement mods etc.. I pay 1380 a year on that... Not bad considering im 21 and have had a few speeding tickets :ph34r:

    Also have no excess glass cover although they do not give the roadside rescue that NAC have..

    You can also option to add alt. transport cost insurance where they will pay for a rental while your car is getting fixed. This is ~65 per yea on top of your premium

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