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Everything posted by nz320i

  1. pretty sure my e30 has the amp, all my speaker inputs from my bmw headdeck go in as RCA plugs to another box and out as leads to speakers, goes loud and sounds great with my ipod, i gave up on my pioneer and went back! came from a e30 318iS but may look at bmw business headunit now...how much and i assume they have aux?
  2. Hot!! love those wheels, good nick too
  3. wern't helmet cams one of the guys who went on dragons den??!
  4. bloody tempting but its pre f/l and i need to spend less on my car! sure it will sell
  5. oh oh, i will be dead keen for windscreen banner..let me know!!
  6. they are now arent they? its kinda cool how bmw did such a thing
  7. i dont know why is reminds me of a legacy but yeah its pretty sweet for the weekends i guess! the older one, low as, bbs dished out....mmmm
  8. nz320i

    e9x m3

    that is a sweet ride!
  9. nz320i

    e9x m3

    hah yeah definatly no e30. kinda close to a 6 series in some of the shots? hmmmm maybe itl look nicer when it comes out
  10. Its on Im doing my RS's black silver is so gay, needs to look tougher. Or charchol on 2nd thoughts.. Pissed Off elite didnt do them the colour I asked, its the kinda place you cant go back to ya know?? most peoples wheels take two weeks and mine were done in 4 days, im kinda in a hard spot.. also ive had them a while now. I really cant be bothered prepping them.
  11. nz320i

    Em's New E30

    Whoooaaaa, it does look new!!!! Dont scratch it Well done
  12. I got my quote just from bridgestone.. maybe someone will be cheaper? not sure.
  13. Id almos sell the 30 for that, dam, but im going overseas soon too so not much point, good luck and doesnt need much done to it looks great.
  14. nz320i

    I want that (ph)one

    that is a nice phone, and yes about time!
  15. hey can you change that clock on 316i 's to a rev counter?? just out of interest , if i had a manual one that would annoy me!
  16. finally get it, sweet so use another server to upload to i guess.
  17. nice ollie man!! looking at getting a cheap board myself..just to cruise round on.

  18. yeah i had the same problem! dont know whats going on either..
  19. you could buy facelift lamps, and put led bulbs in?? cheaper option?
  20. do you mean the heater control bits?? take the knobs off by pulling, then get a jewellers flat drive and the panel comes off, only clips in, then behind that there are 4 screws cheers
  21. ohh ok yeah ive done my surrounds black too, just looked like light. and yeah it seems pretty cheap!
  22. Is it just me or does the 2nd pic in the auction look like its got angel eyes on.. ?? i want some, and the car!! http://www.trademe.co.nz/Trade-Me-Motors/C...12/k-535461.htm Also this 5 is hot!! http://www.trademe.co.nz/Browse/Listing.as...&key=535461
  23. true, have thought about that myself so ill see what happens, i want to get stuck into the bimmer again just totally lost motivation to work on it lately!! looking good, where did you buy the red tint? got any left? any plans to lower it? jamex on trade me for 299... Looks fantastic!
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