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Posts posted by WarNox

  1. continuing from tht speeding ticket topic tht got closed...:D

    the speeding laws in NZ are pretty stupid, how can a mortorway/freeway/highway have the same speed as a country rd. around taupo? that just makes no sense! i would love to live in germany, went on the autobahn nd man tht road's mint, goin about 170km/h in a peugeot nd a new 5 series beemer went flying past us, ill never 4get tht moment! but even the autobahn has some places with only 2 lanes, nd the speed limit is 120, like most european countries!

    cops do do their job nd some of them are pretty cool, i've been caught doin stupid things nd been let off 'goin around a round about 5times' and such lol nd the cop was cool about it! or at the illegal drags some cop made us pick up bottles instead of giving us a fine but thts cool, always a good story to tell later on!

    i could go on like this 4ever but what NZ really needs is 2 increase the driving age to 18, nd make it harder to get ur license like in europe, a 2 week course, including first aid nd lots of theory!

    ok well thts just my 2c, have a good day...


  2. the good thing about SA imports is that they're the manual ones, mine is a SA import nd rust is gay btw!!! if it has even a little rust do not buy it! e36's arent too bad to work on, just need the tools which i dont really have, but im guessing its the same for the e30's too! do e30's use 96 as well?

    i think it'd be a good 1st car too, i was goin 4 an e30 but dad decided that they're too old so helped me get an e36, my insurance is trough him and both of us are set as drivers, $65 per month for full insurance! nd im 18!

    shouldnt be too expensive for u :)

    good luck

  3. I dont knw if its the same for and e30 as for an e36, but for an e36 the VIN number plate is ment 2 b located on the right or the left when u open ur driver door, if you are kneeling down! and that would be your proper bmw vin number, with the year and month of production, but my car doesnt have this proper bmw vin number, it has a NZ LTSA vin number or smtin on the right fender in the engine bay!!

    does ur vin number change when the car gets imported into new zealand? i emailed ltsa nd they said they cant say anything unless they see the vehicle!

    the way i know its not a proper bmw one is that it doesnt work on any of those online bmw vin decoder things!

    wht u guys think!?


  4. Finally found it:

    Pionner Auto Parts: http://www.pap.co.nz/

    sells a 33-2070 K&N filter for $140, this is just a replacemet filter for the current one, just 'plug and play', no work required really, but pod's give u that cool sucking sound and for that u need to buy the kit and a pipe but i couldnt find it on their site, so yeah ill do it properly and get it put down by my bumper, just dont get it too low because if it sucks in water then yea!

  5. lol ur posts are funny to read!

    Yeah i agree that you'll want more power in a few months, get a 2.5L engine rather than a 2L, i got a 2L e36, a very bad comparision to a e30 because of the weight difference i know but with high km's its better to get a 6 cylinder car, i dont really know what an e30 2L can do but my car is as fast as a 1.6L stock sentra, which isnt exactly something to brag about, anyway i will one day get a donor, either a 2.8 or 2.5, ok i've fully gone off topic, sorry, ill go to sleep now!


  6. where would one find a good deal on a K&N panel filter for an E36 328 anyhow? would it be much of an aural/reliability improvement from a cheap pod filter from repco?sorry for the hijack :ph34r:



    oh and u can get a K&N to fit into ur current air filter place in an e36, but u have to order it in i think, the cheap ones from repco just have way worse air flow and get clogged more, if u do smtin do it right, well thts wht i say!

    the size of an e36 air filter is, 33-2070 , so just ask for a K&N that size, i think thats how it works!

    good luck...

    make sure u come bak nd tell me if it worked and how much it was :) thnx

  7. i took my e36 in yesterday to get it fixed, ill tell u the price when i get it back, but my whole A pillar on the passenger side is rotten so the windshield will be taken out ($120) and then rust work ill get a bit cheaper coz i know the panelbeater but here is a pic of what it looks like, a tiny portion of it anyway!!!


  8. These are the alarm prices tht i got from dynatron:

    D3600 = $480.00

    D3800 = $580.00

    D7600 = $580.00

    D7800 = $680.00 inc GST and installation.

    while i decided not to get mongoose and auto watch charge u $550 for one immobiliser alarm with a glass shock sensor, but they have a good waranty deal...so i really dont know now!

  9. Yeah ill end up spending about $500, i liked tht autowatch company one bcoz they've done a lot of bmw's and their warranty is pretty good:

    if ur car gets stolen with their alarm they pay ur access of up at 1500$ nd rent u a car for 30 days!

    but dynatron seems to be the favourite in a lot of places so maybe i should go for tht, mongoose doesnt seem tht appealing, they dont do the installation themselves so u got to find ur own 'relaiable' installer, do dynatron do their own installations?

    thnx again!

  10. thnx guys, i was recommended autowatch by the bmw dealership, they install them into all bmw's tht dont come with factory alarms so they probably wont stuff anything up! but im open to anything for now.

    how much for those mongoose ones, they dont have prices on their site!!

  11. I've been spending way too much time on a non NZ bmw forum (bmw-forums.com) as i didnt know this existed till 10min ago :)

    I just have 2 Q's:

    Has anyone put a short shift (short throw) into their e36? from a m3 or a z9?

    Whats a good alarm to get for a BMW (I live in auckland), was recommended Auto Watch but they're kind of expensive!?



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