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Steve K-B

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Posts posted by Steve K-B

  1. Sounds like you sorted but it really depends on price. Ive got a cheepish ($400 at the time) jonesway roller cab and have used it nearly every day for 7 years and its still good.

    driftit, Let us know what model and price he wants for it. Hed probably get a fair deal if he stuck in on trademe

  2. As the story always goes I got busy with other stuff. Heres a little progress tho.

    I didnt like the look of flocking for my dash and as it will be sitting in front of me all the time I went ahead with suede. Its not the best job but it would have been tough to do so im happy enough

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    front suspension is getting there. Just have to finish the other sides top mount

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  3. Its an awesome sport and surf skis come up on trademe pretty often. Stick to a Yamaha Superjet You can pick them up for as little as 2k but its better to spend money on a decent ski. Youl'll save money in the long run believe me! About 4-5k should buy you a decent one. They sell for around 11k new but you still need to modify it before its surf ready, there are a few must haves for the surf but nothing a handy man cant do!

    Bring on next year!

  4. Happy to have helped.

    Any other requests feel free to ask.

    Could you please do a green bottom and blue top like in the above photo of the Merc using the top of the door molding swage as the cut off point? The green you used is looking pretty good but would be cool to see it broken up a bit.

    That looks awesome. I love Battle ship grey and red ala R26.R and GT3-RS

    Yeah it does look mean. Awesome infact... Too hard to choose from so many good ideas haha

  5. Have painted many rally cars and if there's one thing to remember it's "keep the colour simple". If the Kwaka green is on the current/new Ninjas i'd steer well clear for a rally car. Have you seen that colour up close? It's got so many Xralic pearls in it it's a complete bitch of a colour..

    Let me know when ya getting close to getting it painted, i will do ya a killer deal in exchange for some space on the car. Alternatively i could do a 'cost of materials only' paint job for a larger bit of space.

    Thanks for the advice. It wont be getting too dirty as its only a tarmac car. And I love the KE70! I used to rally one for years but sold it to upgrade to this current project. Ill send you a PM

    I'll see what fun I can have with it.

    Thanks so much man, your a star! I think the green looks good

    Somthing like this looks cool imo.


    Just imagine the matching red rims

    ...That looks sick

  6. Hi all,

    Im building up a project car and its getting close to painting time. As its a rally car i kind of want an in your face colour so have kind of decided on Kawasaki ninja green but its still open for debte. As paints an expensive job it could be an expensive mistake! Ive heard lots of ideas including grey car with highlighter yellow rims (similar to Yongxi's E46) but cant quite see it working. Any one know how to use photoshop and willing to try and change the below picture in to a green machine? No idea how long it takes....

    Or if you have any other ideas post them up, im all ears.

    The car will look like this:

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    Kawasaki ninja green:

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    Other ideas,

    Maybe a bit of a copy of Peters E30 M3 but still cool

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    or something like these?

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  7. Hi,

    Im looking for one or two 2nd hand E92 steering rack ends (inner) for my project car. Ill just be using them to see how they fit and if they do ill get new ones. So free (postage paid by me) 2nd hand rooted rack ends are what im after. If you are having any replaced soon, keep the old ones and send me a PM!




  8. Have Pm'd you re shipping.

    The m52 is alloy and I made the cage myself.

    Just wanted to see how the wheels would rub on full bump. fronts are touching the upper wheel well so will have to address that soon. Looks like a rice racer

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    One last front edge to do on the rear guards then thats all finished.

    Have sorted the spare wheel mounting uning a tie down and a couple of alloy brackets. Rear brakes are getting sorted tomorrow.

  9. check the coolant when its cold, start it up and open the bleed screw.

    It sounds like you have a leak somewhere that has created an air pocket. Could have a blowen head gadket/cracked head but I would be suprised if it was that that was the case after not having any over heating problems previously.

    First thing I would do is get it pressure tested at a workshop.

    E: I would also open the bleed screw once again when its hot just to check but close it when you see a constant flow of coolant. Dont burn your self

  10. There standard at the moment but once I get the suspension sorted ill get adjustable top plates and I think I'll be able to dial out the camber if needed. Still have to sort out some longer rack ends but I will wait to see if the above combination will work (,so far so good,) first before I start spending money on new parts.

  11. Got my body kit back a few weeks ago!... but have been over seas since. While I was away I had some one who knew what they were doing panel wise to cut had the rear wheel wells up to the size of the new guards. Now im back ive dummy fitted one of the rear guards and attached it to the rear bumper. Am half way through doing the other side but its looking good.

    I also fitted the rest of the kit to get me motivated to get my ass into gear (I like visual progress!) The front wheel spacing looks good so far. E46 front arm made a good difference so thanks to Tony (Westy) for that idea.

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