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Everything posted by tehBMWn00p

  1. tehBMWn00p

    e30 320i

    Would you been keen for a trade with some hubs + $$$ for the basketweaves?
  2. tehBMWn00p

    MP3 solutions

    looks sik man, gj! :puke:
  3. this is gonna sound really n00b but can some1 please show me the difference between basket weaves, bottle caps etc. bcos i am really CONFUSED. thanks guys
  4. Hey guys, I'm going to need new tyres for my car which is very similar to this one by next w.o.f. ... Would I be better off getting some mags + wheels and if so which ones?
  5. tehBMWn00p

    MP3 solutions

    Still doesn't compare to an AUX IN though. If anyone is considering getting an iTrip or similar I would strongly urge you to save your money, they are really not worth the effort....however.. ..if anyone has an iPod mini and desperately would like to get an iTrip mini despite what I've said, I'm selling mine
  6. tehBMWn00p

    MP3 solutions

    Very flash, looks a bit big though?
  7. Guessing they fit an E30? What's ur price?
  8. tehBMWn00p

    MP3 solutions

    Go for it man, I wanna see the finished product. :drugs:
  9. tehBMWn00p

    MP3 solutions

    Me too.I had an iTrip.. you are right, they do suck. I bought a new head deck to replace my Alpine one, Panasonic 5400W (has AUX IN) very pleased with it so far.
  10. I have good Pioneer speakers in the front replacing the standard ones I got with the car. Went with the 6x9's because I didn't really want a sub but changed my mind later, hoping to upgrade back speakers at a later stage.Posted up some pics of my setup:
  11. tehBMWn00p


    Where do I get me some of these? Essen Chromes
  12. ..sweet, sounds good, so how much am i looking at for one and is Repco the place i should be going to? (im in auck)
  13. ..ok, y do u recommend panel aposed to pod? i mean i can get it fitted and all that, heat shield etc.. is it jst plain better?
  14. ...hey can some1 plz tell me what air filter i wanna buy for my 85 320i and where i shuld go about getting it... what hav u guys done in that department?
  15. tehBMWn00p

    E30 6x9

    Yea, I have some good quality Pioneer ones which provide great bass, excellent sound and don't require an amp so I'm keen to get all four in. thanks for all your replies~ Cliff
  16. tehBMWn00p

    E30 6x9

    im poor, i knew u guys wud say dat... thanks anyway.
  17. tehBMWn00p

    E30 6x9

    Hey guys, I have 2 6x9's in back and am looking to put 2 in the front also... is this at all realistic or am I just dreaming? (Is it physically possible?)
  18. Thanks dude ~ I'm in central auck.Yea, i hav cleaned her guts - runs like a beauty. How much a performance air filter cost me cage?
  19. tehBMWn00p


    Hey fellas... I jst bought ma first car (bmw 320i 85 i think..) on boxing day last year. Im not exactly rich considering im stil @ schoo' (16) but i'd like 2 slowly upgrade the batmobile so dat i can b jst as coo' as j00 guys! I would really like 2 know what mods i should invest first due to my limited income & upgrade as i can afford. $ I think i wanna get a new air filter considering it's a cheap improvment but i dont know which one exactly... Maybe u guys could giv some insite. Cheers, cliff ~
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