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Posts posted by ducatiss

  1. Yeah the 250GT is the bottom of the range in terms of being the smallest engine - but I suspect (though I havent driven them) that the 300 and 350GT might be even worse if they too handle in similar fashion to their smaller sibling. Might have to go to the 350Z to get the handling and the power...

  2. Had a drive of a couple of Skyline 250GT's last week and what a disappointment. I was sort of expecting something a bit like the older skylines but this car was totally different. Very soggy handling into a corner and not fast at all. More a cruiser than a sports saloon. Nice enough inside and I think the body styling is very cool but its certainly no BMW. Anyone else driven/owned one of these before?

  3. Agree with everything said here about the 2.5 litre boxer engine - they are more likely than not to give head gasket issues until Subaru solved the issue in 2003. Anything prior treat with suspicion. The good news is that Subaru released an updated head gasket that solved the issue. I have a 1997 2L Non Turbo manual, and apart from a gearbox issue covered under warranty, it has proved to be a reliable and very daily runner. Like everything else, keeping the maintenance up is key to getting big millage out of them.

  4. All Vinyl dash's will crack eventually if exposed to sunlight and heat and cold. The repeated cycles of expansion and contraction make this an eventual certainty.

    BMW themselves make a product for dash care - not sure if its any more effective than anything else on the market but it doesn't leave that shiny greasy look of some of the others. A dash mat would be a sensible option for daily use and protection as would one of those silver sun block things you put up on your dash to keep the car cool. Other than this, try parking in the shade whenever possible, avoid extremes of heat and cold.

    Prevention is much better than cure :-)

  5. Yes, I do remember that van - it was quite a memorable van really lol

    Posted Image

    Ducatiss might remember "Mary". I drove to his house in the middle of no where (Roxburgh) and towed an e30 back to Chch..

  6. I had the same issue a few years back in my E30. Basically I upgraded he low beams on a pre face lift to the later projector beam style and it failed on the wof. I had been running around for a few months before the wof was due and not once did anyone flash me due to being dazzled or mistaking my low beams for highs also did not seem to unduly light up the right side of the road. The particular lights had a reflector built into the bottom of the glass. I swopped them out for another set from a wrecker an the car passed first time. These did not have the reflector at the bottom but also I saw very little difference (good or bad) in terms of lighting pattern or performance. - Go figure...

  7. Haha, I think she's single, she was last week.. wait, it's sunday, who knows? good healthy kiwi girl she is...

    Yeah I've bought stuff from TMS for myself & never had a problem, freights a killer, but still cheaper than local, still cheaper than 25% off supercheap where daughter works, in Rockingham..

    Thanks for the line on the exhaust, they only differentiate between the 4 cylinder & the 6, so I figure they all the same. Is M stuff any different, as far as fitting goes? ATM she's only got factory iron manifold.

    Then again ATMoment she aint got any money; and neither will I shortly...

    My son's 16 & working on e23, guess who's financing that?

    TMS? whats that? Just because they don't differentiate between 6 cyl models and left and right hand drive does not necessarily mean that they are all the same.....

  8. if buying from the U.S you need t be careful about what you buying. The 2.5l stuff should be fine but as far as I know they didnt sell the 320i over there. Often though you can mix and match parts from other models eg the radiator for the 320i and the 325e were the same part (from memory). However for a complete exhaust I think I would be putting on some good used factory headers and maybe some custom muffler work.

    If you are ordering anything from overseas you should only do it by part number ie cross referencing the correct BMW part nos. It gets very expensive ifyou have to freight something thats incorrect back to the states.

  9. Having bent my front left from from unsuccessful rock climbing efforts :P , ended up throwing both out and replacing with better e36 struts and springs (had to replace left control arm too doh!)

    car is def riding better yet only problem i now have is tyre-onto-wheel arch scraping on the left side especially on dips and highs when turning left..car has been aligned by mag n turbo since shocks have been replaced.

    is the best plan to get the guards rolled? or is there anything i can look into adjusting?

    cheers :D

    Ummm longer springs, lower profile tyres?

  10. that is possible, but he bought it off some one in bm autoban, i wouldn't imagine some one that worked in there would muck that up.

    do you think its pre detonation ?

    Dont assume anything - check it first - Check the timing - even retard it a little and see if the noise remains.

  11. 1. The Austin A35 ute I had while at school - just managed to fit my trail bike in the back. It's only redeeming feature was that i managed to drive it 30km's on a tin of kerosene after running out of petrol one night.

    2. An Austin Allegro 1300 HL (my parents had a sick sense of humour). No redeeming features - 150 km/h flat out with a very long run up. Slow and generally a laughing stock even back in the 1980's. Managed to break the exhaust manifold clean off proving that the thing would in actual fact lay rubber on the road.

    3. 1980 Audi 80 GLE. When going actually quite a good little car with great acceleration, handling and speed for the time. However everything mechanical that could go wrong with a car - went wrong with the Audi. Replaced the engine, gearbox, clutch, diff, all hoses, radiator, and numerous other parts. Great car but a real lemon.

  12. Do I come across as some kind of joker here or what?Thanks.

    Well you do seem to have more problems with your BMW's than just about anyone else here. Speaking from a "Dad with a daughter" perspective, often we Dads don't always get the full truth about what our kids have been doing to their cars. Honestly with the amount of issues this car has I would be dumping it and either making my daughter catch the bus or going halves with her in a reliable piece of Jap technology.

    But yeah it does sound like a head gasket....

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