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Posts posted by ducatiss

  1. Have the following parts for sale. All bought new for Pre Facelift E30 auto. Not sure in interchangeability for facelift so have included part nos for you to check. Would be good to sell the lot so if your driveline is due for a bit of tlc check these out. Prices should be well under NZ BMW pricing but if not someone please let me know. Will sell off on trademe if no takers.

    Flex Disc; With 6 Bolt Holes for 10mm Bolts

    BMW (OE)/OEM

    PN: 26111225624

    1 per car. 55.00

    Center Support/Support Bearing; Support Assembly With Bearing


    PN: 26121225152

    1 per car. Limited availability 45.00

    Subframe/Differential Mount; At Rear Differential Cover ***SOLD***


    PN: 33171135242

    1 per car. 30.00

    Transmission Mount


    PN: 24711128372

    For models with automatic transmissions. 2 per car. 40.00 for both

    Also Genuine BMW E30 5speed manual gear knob and boot. Not sure on part nos - dont suppose it matters but 35.00 for these. *** SOLD***

    All prices ex freight. PM me for details.

  2. It's not the ideas that are the problem mainly, but the same old story with rushed, poorly written, poorly thought out, and difficult to enforce, legislation. Don't try and fix the problem at its source! Lets just legislate the hell out of everyone and if it doesn't work, at least we'll have made some more money out of tickets!

    Yep, but that's true for lots of things - the symptom I believe of a system of government where there is no accountability for our politicians, (sometimes three years is too long to wait) no second level system such as a house of commons or senate to keep the government honest and veto the silly ideas and laws, and politicians being in charge of areas where they have no experience.

  3. I'd like to see a 3 strike system. Strike 3 you loose your car (crushed) and loose your licence for 5 years.

    That would bring a bit more respect and care by these guys

    And if your 3 strike system doesn't deter someone and they are found driving within that time, I would send them to prison. And for those that think that's harsh the answer is simple - just respect the law and you wont have a problem.

  4. Makes me wonder how he managed to do that much damage to the car at 60mph (about 100kph), especially a Ferrari!

    Far be it for me to pass judgement, but could he possibly have been exceeding the speed limit by some considerable margin??

    Seems about right for a 60mph collision with a barrier. The car has done what it was designed to do - sacrifice itself to safe the occupants. Plus a Ferrari's body is made of composite materials which while light and rigid, will behave differently to normal mild steel in an impact. Where though does it say the impact occurred at 60mph???

    Compare to an E30 hitting a large tree at 80 kmh and I know which one I would choose.(Note that roof removed and steering column jacked up to remove driver by emergency services - driver survived with serious leg/head injuries and made good recovery)


  5. You only need fossil fuel to get out of the earths atmosphere. Once your out there any type of propulsion can be used .... even compressed air

    You would need a lot of compressed air to reach anywhere near the speed you would need to go to make space travel worthwhile....perhaps this may be good way for the Greens to contribute something worthwhile to the environment!

  6. Well he may have been a bit optimistic but if we had continued at the same level of progress of the 1960 - 1980 period, it is reasonable to expect that we could have been living on the moon. Perhaps if the Americans had discovered oil on the moon when they were up there??? The biggest problem for space travel it would seem is that we have not progressed beyond fossil fuel based propulsion. Until we do, we should be content with good old planet Earth.

  7. Yes, there will be differences between pre and post face lift. And about 137 USD plus freight from https://www.autohausaz.com/index.html. They only send by express air freight so costs will be considerable but here in around 5 working days. You should cross reference part nos. If going second hand, make sure the one you are getting actually works before installing as most original ones will be on their last legs by now. Sorry if I'm stating the obvious here. Heater Core is easy to remove while you are poking around in that area. 3 or 4 pk screws and a bit of jiggling and its out. Check for signs of coolant on and around the heater core.

    If ordering from overseas for anything, do it by part number where possible - ie make sure your part no matches the one you are ordering. If its for pre face lift or a 320i, often you will find parts for the U.S market 325e will fit (for cooling system components)

  8. For a start I would stop driving it until the source of the fuel leak is established and repaired as you risk a fire especially if it is coming from one of the fuel hoses in the engine bay. I would imagine that a BMW certified mechanic is going to charge you BMW rates which is fair enough. The training provided to these mechanics is usually top noch and allows them to quickly diagnose problems and effect repairs. However, most good mechanics should be able to repair the fault but time may be needed to track down the source of the leak - which on an old BMW can come from a multitude of places.

  9. I agree with everything above but will add the following: When I did mine, keep a large towel (taken from the bathroom when wife wasn't at home) handy as it is easier to get into the tight space to catch the dripping coolant once the bulk has been drained into your container.

    Suggest you also replace and seals while you are in there. I also ran a bit of sealant around each sealing ring before seating in to the appropriate place. I used Three Bond and it has worked well. You should only use a little to just coat the rings and mating surfaces as you don't want it getting into places it shouldn't.

    I drained my coolant before doing the job but as the previous poster has said, you may be able to avoid this step. I only drained mine as I replaced both heater hoses at the same time.

    Bought my valve I think from autohaus in the states as it was a lot cheaper than the dealer.

    This would be a great time to pull out your heater core as well and check that it isn't leaking!

  10. Yes it can be done very easily. This is my own pre f/l with the conversion done. Essentially all you need to do is unplug the old loom and remove the headlights as a unit. Hopefully your replacements will be as a complete unit (ie light frame included) and will just bolt up. From memory (and someone else will need to confirm this before you start cutting away!!) the plugs onto the lights are different so you will need to cut your old ones off and use the ones that came with your lights. With a multimeter or test light, determine which one is putting out low beam/high beam and match up. There is a bit of farting around here but all in all about 5 min to determine which goes where and another 45 min of splicing. The park lights also are different from memory, but again can me made to work.

    I don't think the light output is that much better with the face lift low beams than what you could achieve with a new set of pre f/l ones. However they do look the part !!


  11. That's a sh*t load of work you have done there and I think the end result will look good. Others have hinted at the V8 letters in the grill, so I'm going to repeat... - please please please get rid of them. No matter how good the end result, the V8 in the grill will ruin it.

  12. have just purchased some of the liquid leather stuff off their website. total cost according to their website will be $45 nzd to my door for the 250ml cleaner and 250ml conditioner.

    will let ya know how fast they deliver and stuff :)

    Post some before and after pics as well please.

  13. The Pelle cleaning and conditioning system is great and is what I used on my leather sports seats. Make sure you get the whole kit with the dye in it. I got mine from a furniture shop. I don't have a before shot but I'm sure you will agree the after one looks great.


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